“Megan,” the blonde said as she stepped closer, tilting her head at me. “I’ve heard many wonderful things about you, Mr. Mancini.”
“Megan is one of our newest girls. She already has racked up quite a few regulars,” Bri informed me.
“Do you have any regulars scheduled for tonight?” I asked Megan.
“That depends on your schedule, sir,” Megan replied as she rested her blue eyes on me. Her pink lips covered in glimmering lip gloss curled up in a smile.
“Yeah, I like her,” I told Bri with a nod before nodding to a brunette with a curvier figure. “And I’ll take her.”
“I’ll clear your schedules, Megan and Kate. Show him a good time,” Bri told them before shooing the other girls away.
I followed Megan and Kate to my usual room, letting my eyes roam over their bodies as they walked up the stairs ahead of me. I had a pair of beautiful women who could offer me everything I wanted tonight. So, why wasn’t my heart racing yet?
“Would you like a drink?” Megan asked as she gestured to the mini bar.
“Don’t bother. Undress yourselves,” I replied as I slid off my suit jacket. I didn’t care for the formalities tonight. At this point, I felt like I was crawling out of my skin at the thought of Gabriela. I needed something to lose myself in.
Megan nodded and slipped off her dress, leaving herself in merely a white thong. Her breasts were perky, and her nipples were hard and pink.
Kate followed, slipping off her black mini skirt and white tube top. “All the way, sir?” she asked as she slipped her thumbs under the band of her panties.
My eyes raked over their bodies, taking in their smooth skin and slim and curvy figures. I felt a natural stir of heat inside of me because they had nice bodies, but when I peered up at their faces and was reminded that neither of them were Gabriela, the heat turned cold. I closed my eyes for a second, trying to get her out of my head.
By this time, she would be in the hotel room with the governor. Who knew what they were doing right now? Maybe she was still flirting with him, or maybe he was already inside of her, making her cry out his name. I clenched my jaw so tightly that it ached. “Everything,” I said.
Megan and Kate smiled at each other while slipping off the rest of their clothes, leaving themselves bare in front of me.
My eyes burned into their bodies. I wanted to cloud my mind with lust, with the thought of the ecstasy they could bring me.
“Come here,” I said to Megan, burying my fingers in her hair and drawing her lips down to mine. I could taste some sort of liquor on her tongue. They weren’t supposed to drink on the job, but everyone did things they weren’t supposed to do.
The thought of Gabriela flashed through my mind, making me growl in frustration and kiss Megan harder. She whimpered against my lips as I gripped her hair harder. My other hand trailed along Kate’s shoulder as she finished undoing my pants. I found her hair and pulled her up to me, turning away from Megan to kiss her instead.
Kate moaned into my mouth, letting me control her just how I wanted.
I broke from the kiss briefly to turn to Megan. “Get on top of me,” I told her, needing to feel something stronger than their lips on mine. They didn’t taste as sweet as I wanted them to, but they would do for now.
Megan crawled over me, straddling my waist as she watched me devour Kate in an intense kiss. She ran her hands up my chest as she rocked herself against me, giving me the friction that made my mind fill with a hot haze.
For a few moments, every troubling thing left my mind. All I could process was Kate’s lips on mine and Megan grinding her alluring body on my lap. Pleasure warmed me, but its flare died out nearly immediately. I was soon reminded that it wasn’t Gabriela kissing me or writhing on top of me. I lowered my guard for just a second and saw Gabriela on top of me instead, swaying that beautiful body of hers. I placed my hands on what I thought were her hips, helping her move. I leaned into the heated kiss more, feeling her tongue brush mine.
It didn’t take me long to realize Megan and Kate didn’t feel or taste like Gabriela, though. Gabriela wasn’t on top of me. She was probably on top of the governor right now, letting him whisper praises in her ear as he touched her all over. I didn’t care if she was doing it for show. She was still lettinghimtouch her instead ofme.
I halted at the thought, and it became clear to me in a sudden shock—I wanted Gabriela as mine. I didn’t care if she was a Castillo. What I cared about was having her to myself because she was the only woman who affected me this way. I would be a fool to stand to the side and let some wishy-washy moron fuck her instead.
“Stop.” I nudged Kate away.
Megan froze in place, staring down at me with a confused look on her face. “What? Why?” she asked.
“I have to go,” I told her as I took her waist and carefully pushed her off me. I got to my feet as I swiftly buttoned my shirt back up and adjusted my pants, moving as fast as I could. I moved in a flurry, ignoring Megan and Kate’s bewildered expressions.
If Gabriela was willing to do something like being with the governor just to have me consider a partnership between us against her family, it meant I could most likely trust her as an ally. I let my own feelings of betrayal cloud my judgment, and now we were both in a situation we didn’t want to be in. I had to fix this.
“Go?” Kate asked in shock.
I put on my suit jacket before turning to them. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I promise,” I told them, not wanting them to think that they were about to be fired.
Before they could reply, I hurried out of the room and down the stairs, tugging on my suit jacket as I went along.