Page 26 of Ruthless Rival

So many people lacked spines now. They let others boss them around and were afraid to pursue their own goals. Even if she was sly about it and slipped right under my nose, she still went after what she wanted and stood her ground when I confronted her. I respected this about her, but we couldn’t be allies so instantly.

She obviously had some sort of personal vendetta against her family, and emotions clouded judgment. I couldn’t rely on an uncontrolled, emotional time bomb when it came down to taking out the Castillos, who were also reckless, emotive time bombs. It seemed like this attitude ran in the family.

However, I could still let her hold up her end of the deal if she still wanted to play around with me. Who knew what she would ask of me when it came down to taking on her father? I wasn’t going to sacrifice myself for a trickster. All that Gabriela and I had in common now since she’d showed her true colors was that her father was our shared enemy,ifshe was telling the truth.

I sat down at my desk and grabbed her business card, seeing her name, number, and e-mail printed on the white card in shiny, gold letters. This woman knew how to make a statement, how to stand out from the rest. No wonder the governor was so quick to agree to a meet-up.

No wonder I briefly fell under her spell.

Shaking my head, I leaned back in my seat and stared at her card. It had been surprising to me that she would stoop so low to make the governor panic and squirm over a sex video on the cusp of being released to the public. No one would’ve ever been able to guess that such a charming, beautiful woman had such a devious edge to her.

I had morals and a clear line that I didn’t cross. However, Gabriela was the one having sex with the governor and putting it on video to blackmail him. It wasn’t my idea, even if I benefited from it. So, she could do what she wanted.

Meanwhile, I had to figure out a way to back out of my end of the deal. She was a perfect opportunity to sneak close to the Castillos, but that all relied on if I could trust her or not. I wasn’t a fool. I knew to keep my distance, to consider all options.

I trusted my sons to assist me in taking down the Castillos more than a woman I just met. Even if she made me feel things, I hadn’t ever felt before. She made me feel so damn confused and restless now because I wanted to be around her, but I also wanted her to keep her distance.

Why did I have to be caught up with such a dangerous woman? She was the type to break hearts and bones, and it became clear to me that her morals were dictated by a blurry line. She did whatever it took to get what she wanted, which amazed me and concerned me at the same time.

In my vast world of knowledge, there was nothing more dangerous than a wronged woman. I assumed this was why she wanted revenge against her family and why she hardly had limits.

“Iso,” I called out to my bodyguard. I supposed I needed to get things rolling. The sooner I had the governor in my pocket, the better because his money and influence would come in handy when it came to dealing with my enemies.

Iso stepped into my office and walked up to the front of my desk. He joined his hands in front of him, holding his wrist as he peered at me. “Sir,” he greeted me in his usual deep voice.

“Is Gabriela off the premises?” I asked him, wanting to make sure she wasn’t sneaking around. She obviously had a habit of doing that.

Iso nodded his head. “I had the other guards follow her to her car and ensure that she drove off,” he reported to me.

At least I didn’t have to worry about her trying to kill me for now. She saw me as an opportunity, which rubbed me wrong since I thought she saw me as nothing more than a pawn in her little game. However, I didn’t need to get hung up on what wasn’t even real.

“Good. Now, I need you to make a reservation for tomorrow night at the Four Seasons Hotel,” I told him. “Put the name under Gabriela Castillo.”

Iso merely nodded and left my office to fulfill my request. He knew not to ask any questions.

I wasn’t going to be a fool and underestimate Gabriela because she was a woman. With her drive and slyness, she could be just as dangerous as her father or her brother. So, I did not intend to put my back to her. I would keep my eye on her like I had already been doing, but my own motives were now different. For the most part.

Chapter Thirteen:Nothing to Lose


Not even an hour later after leaving Alberto’s gorgeous mansion, I received a text from him.

Room 317. Four Seasons Hotel.

I read his message with a smile on my face as I sat on my bed, trying to relax after such an intense day. Things went about as well as I could’ve hoped. He blew up at me a little. The thought of his glare and threateningly close proximity made my skin heat up even now. It shouldn’t have worked me up, but I liked seeing his bossy side.

He had been nothing but polite and charming to me before, but I pulled a curtain back that he didn’t even know existed, catching him completely off guard. I managed to trick a crime boss. I couldn’t help but feel a little proud of myself and also a little guilty. I didn’t expect us to click so well, so it weighed a tad bit heavier on my conscience when I revealed to him that I only wanted to work with him.

However, I had to keep my eyes on the prize and not let myself be distracted. If only Alberto and his sexiness wasn’t the most distracting thing on the planet, it would be easier to accomplish. It also didn’t help that he was so damn stubborn.

I loved his older charm, but it did present a roadblock to my ideas. His old-fashioned moral code made him hesitant to play along with the plan I had. Yes, I understood it wasn’t the most morally sound scheme, but I believed it was a willing sacrifice in the long run. With any luck, he would realize this.

Have fun Gabriela Castillo.

I read the latest text he sent me, feeling a flare of heat flicker through me. All of the cards were on the table now since he knew my true identity. I could tell he had a big problem with me being a Castillo, but I would just have to prove to him that I was more loyal to his family than my own. That would be a feat on its own, but I focused on one step at a time.

My next move would be getting the governor to listen to the Mancinis’ proposal and accept it without a fight. He had battled with them long enough, so it was time for him to give up his own moral code and make some extra money on the side.