I learned to not make enemies unless absolutely necessary. The less targets I had on my back, the better off I would be in the long run. I didn’t have to worry about law enforcement. The local gangs knew not to mess with me. My biggest threat were the Castillos and their unruly tempers.
“I think you’re sweet,” Gabriela replied.
I couldn't remember the last time someone referred to me as sweet. I suppose there were worse things to be called. Coming from her, it was a compliment, a good thing. “I think you’re beautiful,” I said as our eyes locked. “Men have been shooting daggers at me with their eyes since you sat down. I thought I was going to have to fight for you the moment you walked in.”
Gabriela laughed and shook her head. She was cute when she seemed bashful. It was a new look on her. “The only man’s eye I want to capture is yours,” she assured me as she gave my hand a squeeze.
I peered down at our joined hands, feeling the heavy, rapid thud of my heart echoing in my chest. The thought of letting someone like her slip through my fingers made my stomach drop. She was a smart, beautiful woman. I believed we could work well together not only romantically but professionally as well. “Are you still in contact with the governor?” I asked her.
“I won’t be attending any other events with him, but I have a way to contact him,” Gabriela replied, giving me a questioning look.
“I can’t think of anything more persuasive to a man than a beautiful woman’s words,” I told her. “Would you consider helping me convince the governor to be friendlier with me and my family?”
Gabriela stared at me. “Why? What’s in it for me if I go out of my way to do that?” she asked.
A fair question as I doubted she enjoyed chatting with a boring man like the governor. I wanted to pay her for her time and effort anyway. I wouldn’t make her torture herself for free. “With rival groups coming into New Orleans, I need the governor on my side. I have to lock him down before anyone else does,” I explained to her. He pulled all of the strings, so I wanted to be able to pull his as well. “Name your price. I’ll pay it.”
Gabriela suddenly pulled her hand away, her eyes sharpening into a narrow glare. “I’m not some cheap girl you can throw in bed with the governor,” she scoffed at me.
My eyes rounded as I put my hands up innocently. “I’m not trying to do that, but everything has a price. I want to make it worth your time, and the only way I know how to do that is to pay you.” I slowly lowered my hands. “I would never take you for granted, Gabriela.”
When Gabriela abruptly stood up, I expected her to slap me, but she leaned across the table and kissed me instead. Her hand grasped the front of my shirt, dragging me forward and up off my seat.
Her lips were soft and warm against mine, dizzying me with heat and desire. I cupped the back of her head, sliding my fingers into her soft hair. As her lips moved against mine, I gripped her hair gently, anchoring her to me and not wanting to let her go. She tasted too good, too sweet.
Way before I was ready, Gabriela pulled away from me with a blissful smile on her face. Her lipstick was smudged slightly, but with a delicate swipe of her thumb, she cleaned up the stain below her bottom lip. Instead of sitting down, she remained standing and grabbed her gold clutch off the table. “I had a great time, Alberto,” she told me before winking at me and strutting away.
I felt so in shock that all I could do was watch her walk out of the restaurant, leaving me there in shock with smudges of her red lipstick on my mouth. She didn’t just kiss me and leave.
Who would have the nerve to do such a thing?
I couldn’t even be angry at her. I dropped back down in my seat and breathed in deeply, my lips still burning from her kiss. How did she go from kissing me to leaving just like that?
I suddenly felt troubled. Did I insult her? I might’ve gotten too far ahead of myself and scared her off. Even if she didn’t want to help me with the governor, I wouldn’t have held it against her. I didn’t just see her as a means to an end.
However, that was probably all she thought I wanted her for.
I shook my head at myself and downed the rest of my drink, letting the liquor burn through my regrets. It certainly didn’t work though.
“Ready to go, sir?”
I looked over to see Iso and the other bodyguards approaching me. As much as I loved this place, I didn’t want to drink and overthink. It was best for me to go home and get some sleep. If I couldn’t sleep, Bri could expect a call from me. I found that I didn’t even care to mess around with an escort tonight. I didn’t feel any sort of drive or desire. All I could think about was Gabriela and what I could’ve done differently to have kept her from leaving so early. We were hardly here for an hour together.
“Yes, get me out of here,” I muttered as I rose to my feet. I paid my tab at the bar then let Iso and the bodyguards lead me to the main SUV.
When I clambered into the backseat, I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, feeling the vehicle move beneath me, like I was floating. When I was with Gabriela, it felt like I was in a dream, suspended in bliss and paradise.
Now, I was back in reality, as I wondered if I would ever have her lips on mine ever again.
Chapter Eleven:Drop the Veil
What a man.
I pressed my teeth into my bottom lip to try to conceal my smile, but I couldn’t. I strode out of the restaurant with my chin lifted, riding high on an excited, warm buzz that tingled throughout my body. Part of me wanted to run back into Por Qué No and continue that kiss, but I forced myself to hurry into the back of the black Mercedes.