“Of course. You’re one of my best customers. A woman of style,” Stella replied before gesturing to my babydoll. “One of my latest releases. What do you think?”
“I think it’ll drive any man crazy,” I said with a coy smile. She knew how to make the best lingerie in the city, able to picture how the material compliments and caresses a woman’s body. No mall store could match it.
Stella clasped her hands together victoriously. “Perfect. Is that all you’re looking for today?” she asked.
I nodded as I trailed my eyes over the babydoll. “I bought a dress earlier, so I wanted to buy something to wear later in the night,” I said. One outfit was for one man, and the other outfit was for another. Obviously, I put more effort into one than the other.
“Let me check you out,” Stella offered and headed to the cash register to ring me up.
I pushed my hair back from my shoulders as I watched her scan the babydoll, reality starting to set in. My stomach threatened to twist at the thought of tomorrow. I was dedicated to my plan, but part of me couldn’t believe I was about to sleep with someone just to get the Mancinis on my side. My father had pushed me to the point where I was willing to go as low as possible to get what I wanted.
A sour taste settled on my tongue as I paid for my lingerie and walked out of the shop. I tried to view tomorrow as a means to an end, which it was, but still I would be letting some guy I didn’t even care about touch me. I wasn’t attracted to him in the slightest, so I would have to close my eyes and do a lot of fantasizing to seem like I was enjoying things.
I grimaced and headed out to the car, telling myself not to think too much about it. I wouldn’t even remember tomorrow night in a year or so, I tried to tell myself. It would be a distant memory that I wouldn’t even recall while I was laying on a beach or traveling around the world in peace. I would finally have that when I got justice.
Peace and happiness.
I had a feeling getting to that point wouldn’t be peaceful or joyful in any sense, though. Tomorrow night would simply be one of the many sacrifices I needed to make to take down my father. I would be a fool if I thought things would get easier from here on out.
The war had only just begun.
Chapter Fourteen:Distraction
Today was the day. Gabriela and the governor would have their night of passion tonight, and she would have him in my pocket by tomorrow. I should’ve been happy that the governor would finally be on my payroll after trying to convince him and failing at doing so for so long now. Hell, I should’ve been popping open a bottle of champagne with my family.
However, the last thing I felt like doing was celebrating. How could I celebrate when that lukewarm man would be touching Gabriela tonight? All over her curvy delicious body. It shouldn’t even matter to me because it was her decision and her idea in the first place. She only saw our arrangement as a business opportunity, but it wasn’t like I could immediately shut off my desire for her.
She still haunted my brain.Gabriela Castillo. Why did it have to be her out of all people?
“Are you okay?”
I blinked and turned to Lorenzo, who gave me a worried look. “I’m fine,” I assured him. “Where were we?”
Lorenzo didn’t seem all that convinced, but he continued, “The slot machines we ordered are undergoing inspection right now,” he told me as we sat in my office.
“Good. I need quality machines,” I said as I drummed my fingers against the desk. I checked the time, seeing that it was getting close to five o’clock. Only two hours left until Gabriela and the governor met at the hotel room, which had two hidden cameras and a microphone planted inside of it. They wouldn’t be able to breathe without one of the devices catching it.
Lorenzo followed my eyes to my watch. “Are you late for something?” he asked. “You’ve been looking at your watch nonstop since I got here.”
“No. You’re about to be late meeting your wife, though,” I commented as I peered up at him. As great as it was to spend time with my eldest son, it would be best for me to be alone tonight. All that would be on my mind was Gabriela, which I knew would be driving me insane.
I couldn’t believe she actually intended to go through with this. Did she want to prove herself to me that badly? I couldn’t think of anyone else who would go through such lengths to show that I should work with them. Despite the betrayal I felt, I still couldn’t help but have a degree of admiration for her.
Lorenzo sighed and rose to his feet, giving me a stern look. “You know you can talk to me if something is up, right?” he asked me.
I peered up at him for a moment before getting to my feet. I didn’t want my own kids worrying about me and fawning over me. That was my job as their father. “Don’t worry about me. Focus on your family. That’s the most important thing,” I told him firmly as I walked around my desk, patting him on the back as I led him out of my office.
“I know, but you’re my family too,” Lorenzo pointed out as he shuffled down the hallway, attempting to drag his feet.
I continued to usher him away. Lorenzo had a kind, caring soul, which I was proud of, but I couldn’t entertain it right now. “I have a lot of work to do, mio figlio. We’ll talk tomorrow,” I promised him as we reached the top of the staircase that led down to the foyer.
Lorenzo sighed in defeat and hugged me goodbye before heading down the stairs. He glanced over his shoulder at me.
I turned, heading back to my office. I passed by Iso on the way back inside of the room. “No more visitors,” I told him.
Iso nodded and shut the door to my office.