We’re going to be okay.
Knowing this adds to my fuel as I park the car and we storm the front door of her house.
I’m working on autopilot, reeling over the moment of unity in the car. It’s a good thing Finn’s a half step ahead of me because he knocks, whereas I’d have barged right through.
Opening the door, I’m as stunned as Finn that Madison’s actually the one who answers. Her reaction is jerky, like she’d been expecting someone else, only she ended up disappointed when she got us instead.
She recovers quickly, but that’s nothing new. Neither is her crossing her arms as she leans into the wood frame so that her tits push higher up in the process.
“Well, what do we have here?” she taunts, teeth sucking on an over-glossed lip. It almost seems to come off forced. Her gaze averts past the pair of us several times like there should be someone else with us. Like she anticipated someone else…
My eyes go to the sky. I don’t have time for this.
“Is your father home?”
She doesn’t flinch right away at my no-nonsense attitude, but her eyebrows do that quirk thing like she can’t smooth them out fast enough.
Usually, when Madison spits out words, I tend to ignore them, but tonight is different. The more she throws out the better.
Too bad for us, she doesn’t seem in the mood to play helpful.
“Is he or not,” Finn says, biting back a smile that’s not a smile at all.
She squints one eye at me. Cautious as she rightfully should be, even if it’s as inconvenient as hell for us.
Her bottom lip puckers, and that’s when I know. My lids close out of my own frustration because she’s not going to help. This was a waste of time.
“You know, I’m surprised. You never had to knock before,” Madison purrs. It’s the blunt tip of her fingernail as she runs it, scraping as it moves across my chest that has them snapping back open.
Finn’s neck rolls at the contact. He’s suddenly as uncomfortable as I am at her bluntness.
If the roles were reversed and I saw another man hitting on my girl like Madison’s unbashful in doing to me, I’d lose it. And I almost do, my hand goes ironclad, squeezing with too much strength around hers.
She’s messing with me, I see it. Pretend, that’s all this is. Flirting in the hopes that it’ll distract me enough to not notice the hurt in her eyes. Shining they glisten with the truth she tries to hide.
Pain. Madison’s in pain.
Lucky for her Finn doesn’t seem to catch on that it’s a skit, a scam.
“How did you manage to put up withthatfor so long?” His distaste is evident.
Finn’s sliced words cutting in, are the only thing that has my grip loosening. That nice shade of purple her fingers started to turn settling back to a normal shade after I let go.
Madison sharply draws her wrist to her chest, hugging it there protectively, as it that’ll do anything.
She stares us down long and hard. The silky personality gone as quick as it arrived. Are we finally able to get down to business?
“My father’s not home,” she says. Grin as tight as her gaze.
“When will he be back?”
“Sorry, my parents told me I’m not allowed to talk to strangers when they aren’t home.”
The door is on the verge of being slammed in our face, and it would have had my foot not caught it at the last possible second.
She swings it back open with a force I hadn’t realized she was capable of. “What? What do you want? Go home.”
“We need help.”