Page 53 of Resilient Queen

“Is that everything,” I ask, uncaring that the boys are almost to us.

Quickly she wipes at her lashes, those beads of moisture washed away as rapidly as they’d arrived. Replaced with some sort of anger, my comment somehow striking a nerve.

“Does there need to be more?” she snaps, angry, yanking her hand from mine and staring forward again. Her spine rigid and straight.

Hailey was always the touchy one. So, for her to pull away so aggressively I know I overstepped but I don’t know how to correct my mistake. Not that I get the chance. The guys are here and have taken seats on the grass around us.

The deep frown lines along her mouth smooth out. The confidence in which she greets them overkill, even for my ears.

Fake, fake,fake.All of it.

The guys continue with whatever their conversation was before they’d arrived. I stopped listening as soon as Hailey reached for her stomach and Finn let out a laugh. The gurgling sound was loud.

I knew she was hungry.

“Jeez, Williams, your stomach is grumbling so loud it's speaking that one language.” Snapping his fingers as he recalls the name. “Hungarian.”

“That’s a language and a country, you moron. Not an affirmation of actual hunger,” Eli clarifies.

“I know,” Finn drawls slowly. “It was a joke,” he deadpans. “And besides itisa language… afoodlanguage.” Winking as he grins in Hailey’s direction.

Taking an abandoned gummy worm from the ground, Cole chucks it at Finn’s face. Uncaring, he instead catches it in his mouth and starts to chew on the half-dirt-covered gummy with a satisfied smirk.

I fake gag my disgust as he sits there so proud of himself for thwarting Cole’s attempt. Everyone—himself included—knowing there was no way that tasted good.

I glance over at Hailey, while the boys are distracted mocking Finn at his expense and realize she’s trembling. Blinking away her daze, she shoulders him. Laughing along even though she sounds like an impostor.

“I’m thinking I could use a chocolate bar,” I lie. “What about you?” Asking only loud enough for her to hear.

The lines in the edges of her eyes even out even as she winces, knowing I caught her. Her stomach makes that gurgling sound again, but she recovers in double time.

That dimple in her cheek pops out as she says, “Actually, now that you mention it, that sounds heavenly. Thank you.”

My expression narrows, undecided if she’s telling me the truth or just trying to get me to leave since I seem to be the only one not buying her facade.

Either way, I find my head nodding, agreeing because at least she’s volunteering to eat something.

“Deal,” I confirm, overeagerly jumping up from my spot and dusting off my hands.

“Hey,” she says, waving the empty bag of gummies after I’ve turned back toward the main building. “Add these too, please.”

The muscles in her cheeks lift, and it’s the first time I’ve seen a genuine reaction from her in days.

But like everything else, it’s as short lived as her next lungful of air. That gloomy expression back in full force before I turn all the way back.

I know how much she idolized her parents, and they back her. If this is how she is with me then I wonder what it’s like when I’m not around.

I debate asking if she wants to come over again tonight but decide against it since we have an audience. I’ll text her later about it. If I give her time, she might be more willing to open up.

This is a first great step and I appreciate it for what it is, as I give Cole a quick kiss and tell him I’ll be right back. At least I have a general idea of what’s going on now.


Everyone of significance in my life seems to be getting them as of late. They’re being thrown out like a cash giveaway, everyone jumping at the opportunity.

Once inside I notice that the line has doubled inside the cafeteria. Instead of wasting time waiting, I round the corner to the small alcove of vending machines.

I snort to myself. Not once have I ever seen a student here at KPA use them, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.