“Something feels off about you,” I finally tell her.

“I wore roller skates in the middle of a slaughterhouse. Totally get that off-putting vibe of yours,” she says as though she’s amused.

Her phone dings on the bed, and she looks down, reading whatever preview is on the screen. I expect her to ask for privacy, but she just redirects her attention to me.

“Last chance, Axle. Do you want me or not? It’ll be the last time I ask, because I’m through chasing. Hot as you are, I’m not into wasting time on guys who aren’t interested. Girl has to have some self-respect, you know.”

I snort derisively, rolling my eyes.

She arches an eyebrow. “I do hardcore Kegel exercises. My pussy is a ninja,” she says seriously, waiting for me to respond.

I…hell, all I can do is blink. Half the time I wonder if she even knows what she’s saying. It’s like she goes for shock factor and wins time after time with me, because I’ve never met anyone like her.

“I’ll see you tonight. There will be a party,” I say in deflection, trying not to think of her ninja pussy she’s offering.

She looks away like she’s disappointed, and starts putting on lotion. I blow out a breath while leaving the damn room.

Drex is back downstairs, talking to Sledge about tonight’s party that I knew was coming. Maya stays upstairs as I get a rundown on what Drex needs from me.

Leaving the warehouse, I head to our strip club with Dash, and he goes to start telling guys about tonight’s festivities. Liza—Sledge’s old lady—pushes a beer in front of me when she sees me at the bar.

“Looks like you need a drink,” she tells me with a straight face.

My phone starts ringing before I can respond, and I immediately start walking out when I see who’s calling.

“About damn time you called me back,” I growl into the phone.

“It’s hard to be discreet when you’re blowing up my phone like a stage five clinger. I had to turn it off, because believe it or not, you’re not my top priority,” Sarah volleys.

My free hand fists as I step to the side of the building, barely hearing the steady thump of the music inside.

“I’ve been calling and texting because—”

“I know. I’ve heard all the numerous messages and read all the texts. I just haven’t had time to respond. Besides, Drex seemed to be cool with Maya. Not sure why you’re the one wanting to rip this all to shreds when she’s very possibly the only thing that will save the entire club. And the only reason she’s doing it so willingly is because she has a thing for you and owes me a huge favor.”

My eyebrows go up.

“Sarah, I swear—”

“I’ve known the heads of the Families for a long damn time, even though they never knew me. I knew their children. I knew when they took over the Families. My father was naïve and arrogant, thinking he could destroy them by killing the heads. Instead, he turned loose a bunch of brilliant psychos who all want him dead for killing their parents.”

She exhales heavily like she’s exhausted.

“The point is, Maya is legit. Lathan is a serious threat if he finds out she’s still in Halo. And her plan could go to hell in a handbasket if she doesn’t manage to keep a low profile. Keep her alive, and she’ll return the favor. And be nice. She never asked for this. She’s doing what she has to, and be thankful she gives a damn about stopping a war.”

Running a hand through my hair, I watch as a few guys walk into the club, their eyes shifting to me. I make it my business to know everyone affiliated with us, so it’s no surprise that I recognize them.

Nodding, they head in, and I return my attention to my conversation.

“Something is off about her.”

Sarah outright laughs. Hard.

I’m not amused.

“Of course there is,” she says when her laughter tapers off. “She’s twenty-four and is currently running a notorious crime syndicate from the shadows. People get PTSD when they see someone die. People like Maya and I grew up watching both people we knew and total strangers die all the time. It’s a way of life for us. You don’t come out of a family like hers without being a little off. I’d be more concerned if you thought she was perfectly normal.”

Sometimes, I’d like to throttle her. This is one of those times.

When I grow silent, she groans.

“She’s legit, Axle. You know I wouldn’t risk Jude. And I know Maya is telling the truth. I still have friends inside the circles of the Four Families. Very high-up friends. Finding her was like finding the Holy Grail. Count your blessings, because sometimes, life sends you something good to make up for all the bad shit you’ve dealt with.”