He swallows hard.

“What do you want? Whatever she’s promised you, I can double it the second I have access to those accounts.”

I don’t have to say anything before Smitty steps up, and Lathan pales. He knows he can’t turn Smitty. I’m sure he’s figured out we’re all untouchable too by now.

“If you tell me how Troy got her out of the building undetected, I’ll end your suffering quickly,” Smitty offers.

Lathan’s nostrils flare, and his jaw tics. “Nice offer. I’ll pass—”

I blow a hole through his knee, the barrel of my gun still pressed against his leg as he wails in pain. Pulling my gun back, I stare at him expectantly.

He puffs out a couple of breaths like he’s breathing through the pain, his hands cuffed behind his back as he remains seated on the ground with his legs stretched out in front of him.

“How did he get her out of the building?” Smitty growls.

Lathan grins, eyes jaded and hollow. “You’re old, Smitty. You know you don’t keep up with the times. Your son is just smarter than you. That’s all I’m saying.”

I shoot a hole in his other knee, hearing him roar out his pain as his eyes roll back in his head. When he falls backwards, I stand over him, and in quick succession, put two bullets in his forehead.

“I didn’t find out how he stole her from the building yet!” Smitty snaps, yanking me back by my arm.

My eyes drop to where his hand is touching me, and I slowly lift my eyes to meet his. Smitty, the beast of a man, clears his throat and releases his hold as he takes a step back.

Sometimes the scary scars come in handy. Saves me from finding out if he’s too old to fight.

“Doesn’t matter how he got her out. She’s not going back with you. It’s fucking clear to me that I can keep her safer.”

His eyes narrow to slits. “You almost got her blown up.”

“You let her get kidnapped and didn’t find her for two days. Who fucking knows what has happened to her by now?!” I shout, getting right in front of him.

He starts to do something or say something, when Drex is suddenly there and pushing us apart.

“Sarah has Maya,” he tells us, but his eyes are on me. “She’s bringing her back right now.”

I drop my gun to the ground and race outside, kicking my way through the door we mostly broke on entry. My eyes scan the area, searching for them, and the second I see the white golf cart coming toward us, I sprint to meet it.

“She passed out halfway here,” Sarah tells me, jumping out and coming around as I take in the blood and bruises all over Maya’s face.

“They knocked her around, but nothing on her face seems broken, Axle,” Sarah says like she’s trying to keep me from losing it. “Her ribs might be a different story.”

Swallowing the knot in my throat, I carefully lift Maya into my arms. Her bleach-blonde hair is no longer there. She went back to dark hair during our time apart.

She doesn’t even stir as I cradle her to me, trying not to put any pressure on anything that seems damaged.

“She’s going to need fluids,” Sarah goes on. “And soon would be good. She said they over-sedated her, and she’s been out cold this entire time.”

My entire body is strung tight as I walk and stare down at her at the same time. The closer we get to the lights shining from the house, the more I can see every bruise, red mark, and cut on her face.

Her lip is split and bleeding generously, and her cheek is swollen and cut.

I let her go to keep her and the guys safe. Yet, she almost died right down the road from me.

Smitty is panting as he runs up, his eyes tearing up when he sees her bruised and battered body lying limply in my arms.

“Troy did most of the damage,” Sarah tells Smitty, her eyebrows going up when she provokes a reaction.

He turns away, gagging like he can’t stomach the sight of Maya upon hearing that.

“I’ll kill him,” he bites out, back still turned. “He’s not my son. He’s nothing but a coward.”

“He’s already dead. I can show you where I left the body if you want to go collect it.”

Smitty turns around, his face hard. “Let the animals feed off his remains. He doesn’t deserve a proper burial.”

He turns and stalks away, and I brush my lips over Maya’s forehead, worried to death that I’m holding her too tightly.

Smitty opens the back door to his vehicle, and I just look at him like he’s crazy.

“How is she going to ride on your bike when she’s unconscious?” he asks.

“If you try to take off with her, I will hunt you down and kill you myself. Understand?”