“Maya stays gone.”

With that, I turn and stalk up the steps of the porch.

“Then I hope you like the hell out of your hand,” he calls to my back. “Because, you know, you’re not pretty like me and don’t have all the unlimited options.”

I can feel him smiling without seeing it, and know he’s the type to only push your buttons for a reaction. Ignoring Drake is the only way to deal with Drake.

No one glances my way as I head into my room and slam the door behind me.

My eyes briefly flick to the bed. The spot Maya told me how she felt. The spot where I didn’t tell her anything in return.

Carefully, I put the small ketchup down, take a deep breath, and slam my fist through the wall. Sheetrock crumbles around my fist, and I pull back, cracking my neck to the side as my skinned knuckles burn a little.

Feeling more like myself already.

Even if myself does feel like shit most of the time.

Picking up my phone, I dial the girl of the hour, not expecting her to answer. She surprises me by actually picking up.

“So you sent her home after I told you how important she was?” Sarah drawls. “Lovely. That was our get-out-of-jail free card, Axle. You couldn’t play nice?”

My free hand turns to a painful fist.

“Long story short, Herrin almost killed her.”

“I heard. I hear everything, remember? So why are you calling me?”

Leaning against the wall, I smirk. “I need a favor.”



“Ah! I’ve been wondering when I’d see you!” I glance over as Penelope—Smitty’s wife—comes to the edge of my skating rink, watching me as I glide backwards.

I force a smile as I skate to the edge.

“How are the girls? I’m trying to keep my distance for the time being,” I say to her.

She beams at me, unaware of my current situation—heartbreak and all that lovely shit.

“The girls are fantastic. Both are doing so well in school, but they do miss you. Smitty thinks we can arrange something so they can see you. I’m just glad you’re back home.”

I frown. “You knew I was gone?”

She rolls her eyes. “I’ve been married to Smitty for almost thirty years. Of course I knew you were gone, even though he never told me as much. He gave me the same story about you returning months ago, just as he gave everyone else. But I know him too well, and I could see the worry on his face. He wouldn’t be worried if he had eyes on you.”

I glance over, seeing John, one of my father’s favorite bodyguards, as he pretends not to listen in on our conversation.

“I saw Troy yesterday, and he filled me in on Lathan’s guys crouching near your brownstone,” I say on a sigh to her.

She rolls her eyes. “Lathan can’t touch us. He can’t touch you either. And we’ve moved to our Manhattan apartment since then. Good luck getting through those doors without access. Not even the elevator works to our floor without a passcode.”

She bats a dismissive hand, always the optimist.

“Oh! I meant to tell you, I got you some of those tiny condiment bottles you love so much! All sorts of different ones. Including hot sauce. I’ll go grab them and be right back.”

Considering this small rink is on the top floor of a large building, it will probably take her a while to return. So I resume skating, closing my eyes and turning the music up with my remote.

I’ve been trying to unwind for five days now. Ever since I returned.

Not even skating is freeing me.

Not screaming lyrics and shaking out the nerves either.

Nothing is working.

Giving up, I go to put my shoes on, my head down as I swap my skates for sneakers. Just as I stand and my head comes up, a scream flies out of my lips as something rough wraps around my face. My eyes open to darkness, and I struggle, when an arm comes around my throat, choking me.

I suck in air, and fabric goes into my mouth. Air barely squeezes through the threads, and I grow dizzy when the massive arm strangles me tighter, cutting off the small bit of air I was getting.

I try to scream again, wanting the men outside the doors to rush in with their guns, but a garble is all that escapes my lips.

Colorful dots sparkle in the darkness as I continue to suffocate, and my eyes grow heavy until…



“Where’s Sarah?” Drex asks me as we all linger by the entrance of the warehouse.

Jude is fucking antsy, like he wants to be anywhere else right now. His eyes don’t meet any of ours.

The second I open my mouth to speak, there’s suddenly a knock at the door.

Jude walks away, and I pull open the door to see…Sarah. Or AJ. Or whatever.