“Thank you,” she says hoarsely.

She leans in to kiss me, but a loud banging on the bedroom door halts it from happening. I straighten and walk out, though it’s hard as hell to do, and close the door behind me.

Opening the bedroom door, my eyes collide with Drex’s. His jaw is tight, his eyes are lethal, and I can tell we’re finally going to get some blood on our hands. I couldn’t be fucking happier to hear that, because I feel like I’m drowning in uncharted territory.




All of those are emotions I never feel. Anger? Sure. It’s my best fucking friend. But I’m almost a novice with any of the other emotions.

“Drake is bringing the girls some clothes when he rides out with Dash. Sledge is here—”

“Is Liza here?” I ask, the question blurting out without hesitation.

His brow furrows. “No. She’s at the hospital getting checked out. We left her with a group of guys ready to kill a Death Dealer if they see them. But we have Hershel in the shed around back. The other guys they got from the bust are already dead and hanging near the factory where they tried to send us for a fucking trap.”

I nod, unsure if I want to get into the Liza situation with Drex.

“Sledge might kill Hershel too soon if I leave him alone out there for long with him. I need your help on this. You can calm us all the fuck down, and right now, we sure as hell need that.”

I swallow the knot in my throat as I give him a bitter smile. “As of right now, I’m not so sure how calm I’ll be. Maya didn’t get behind that door. Glass cut her up—shallow cuts, but they’re still there. If Herrin had known about her, she would have been taken. They’d have come in after her.”

“If he’d known Eve was there with just Drake watching after her, he’d have come in. But he didn’t. His target was the new vehicles, because he’s unaware of Maya being a sympathetic client and assumes this is going to hit us hard and get us into a mess with said client.”

Which makes me really fucking happy that Sledge kept Maya a secret from Liza. And I can’t believe I’m seriously thinking that. But Maya saw something that had her convinced we were running into a trap and that the club was about to be hit.

The club was hit, and conveniently, several people spotted Herrin at the factory where they tried to lead us.

For a likely trap.

He runs a hand through his hair like he’s frustrated. “I’m not cut out to be the P. I’m a solid VP, but running things is different. I’m still in the frame of mind that someone will reel me back if I’m ready to rush in, guns blazing, ready for a fight. And Pop is using that against me.”

I lean against the doorframe, crossing my arms over my chest. “You’re a good P. Stop letting him use his knowledge of you against you and start using your knowledge of him against him. Think like Herrin. You’re the only one who can do that.”

He runs a hand over the scruff on his jaw and nods absently, staring at nothing in particular.

I push away from the door and go back to the bathroom, poking my head inside in time to see Maya wrapping a towel around her body.

“I need to handle something. Stay inside.”

Her eyes meet mine, and she nods, being too quiet. Usually by now she has something to say.

“Drake is bringing you some clothes.”

“I hope he brings me some underwear,” she says on a sigh. “Otherwise, you’ll have to dig that pair out of your pocket and your pervy panty-sniffing will have to be put on hold.”

A smile slips over my face unexpectedly as she smirks at me. Looks like she’s recovered.

“Stay inside,” I repeat before stepping out.

Drex is telling Eve basically the same thing when I step out of the bedroom, and she’s berating him for not telling her about this house. My lips twitch as I pass them.

Eve is simply trying to take his mind off feeling like he’s failed. Once again. So she’s getting him riled up—something she’s damn good at.

I spend the short walk to the shed trying to get my temper under control so that I’m not one who accidentally kills Hershel before time.

As soon as I step inside, I see Hershel’s head snap to the side, blood spraying from his mouth as a seething Sledge shakes out his fist and takes a step back.

Hershel looks like he’s already been worked over enough for the day. His right eye is swollen shut. His lips are bleeding and swollen as well. His face is one step away from being mangled.

But the sadist is laughing even as he spits out another wad of blood. Because he wants to taunt Sledge into killing him.