Drex’s gaze flicks to Axle, who has his arms crossed over his chest, then down to me.

“She’s the girl Jude and I brought in six months ago after finding out a potential client was a junkie.” Axle’s sex-rumble of a voice has my body doing really inappropriate things at the worst of times.

“That’s her?” Jude asks, eyebrows creasing. Then his eyes go flat. “AJ took her home that night. She said the girl was quiet all the way home. Just one more lie.”

“She prefers Sarah, unless she’s in kill mode,” I point out, earning a few silencing glares. Right. Shutting up again.

“So she took her in like a stray?” Cold Eyes asks.

I almost speak, but then remember they don’t like it when I speak, and clap my lips shut again. I’m totally not telling them who I am.

“So she’s coming with us?” The other guy asks. The guy who found me in the back before Jude stuck a gun to my head. I almost forgot about him, since he’s been quiet until now.

Drex rubs the stubble on his own chin before asking, “What job was AJ—”

“Sarah,” I interrupt on autopilot, then cringe when his eyes narrow.

Don’t make the big, bad biker mad, Maya. Not smart.

“What job was she talking about?” he goes on.

“Think we could discuss that somewhere else?” I gesture to the bodies nearest to us. “I’m not the brains of this operation, but I’d say it’s only a matter of time before these guys are supposed to check in and report how many of you they managed to kill. When that doesn’t happen, more people with big guns will come in and start shooting holes in us. And our awesome assassin just walked out.”

Drex shoots a look to No Name when No Name chuckles and tries to smother the sound. He shrugs. “She has a point.”

The guy on the ground near my feet groans, scaring the shit out of me because…zombies. Zombies are totally real and the government hides it, you know.

I almost lose my feet out from under me, but two strong hands clamp down on my arms, steadying me. It’s like a live wire shoots through body from the simple contact, and I try to fight the weird reaction.

Axle releases me when he’s sure I’m not about to tackle the floor with my face, and he steps away, his hands fisting and opening a few times as his jaw grinds. Apparently touching people also pisses him off. But his touch is still lingering even though his hands are far away from me now.

Drex rolls his eyes and looks over to No Name. Would it be the end of the world if they made introductions?

“Grab the live one and toss him in the back of the SUV,” he tells Cold Eyes, and No Name goes over to help him.

“Can I ask your names? Pretty sure No Name and Cold Eyes won’t work for too long,” I say to the guys as they scoop up the guy on the ground.

I’ll be watching to see if anyone has zombie bites later. That’s one bug I won’t catch.

No Name smirks at me. “Who’s Cold Eyes?”

I point to the other guy, and Cold Eyes glares at me, only proving my point, while No Name laughs quietly to himself.

“Get on the back of a bike before I change my mind about taking you with us,” Drex says, not helping me out with the name thing. He starts to walk away before turning back and adding, “But not my bike.”

He glances around at the warehouse for a brief moment.

“Light it up,” he says pointedly at Jude.

“I’m good with the SUV,” I say as I skate behind Axle, who is putting his finger on his gun’s trigger like he’s ready for someone to jump out at him.

Don’t spook the big, bad, sexy biker.

“Bike,” Drex says again, his tone growing annoyed.

Alrighty then. Obviously I don’t tell them I’m not a fan of motorcycles, because…well, motorcycle club and all that. I’d hate to offend the trigger-happy boys.

I continue following Axle across the eerily quiet parking lot. As soon as he starts to get on his bike, I start untying my skates, knowing climbing on will be too hard any other way.

Obviously I hurry, since they may very well leave me here to get blown apart by whoever will be coming.

Cold Eyes is coming out of the warehouse, heading our way, when I finally get the skates off and Axle’s bike roars to life. I look at him, my skates in my hand, and he mutters something that doesn’t look favorable to me before gesturing for me to get on.

He snatches my skates out of my hand, and I climb on, careful to not touch him. But how do I…

“Can I put my arms around you so I don’t fall off?” I ask him.