“You’re making me feel as though I have a sugar momma at this point.”

I burst out laughing, then wonder if he maybe stole my funny and left me with his non-funny humor. Totally an unfair trade.

We clean up and dress quickly, though Axle is reluctant to leave our bubble. He’s always reluctant to leave it.

I ride on the back of his bike, my hands clutched around his middle. He’s relaxed and at ease as we follow Dash and Sledge to the clubhouse.

Today is the dawn of a new era.

It’s a big day.

And I feel excited to even get to be a part of it.

It feels as though my heart is with two Families now.

We pull inside the newly renovated and larger hangar, and Axle helps me off the bike before he drops his arm around my shoulders.

His name is visible amongst the cleavage I’m sporting, and he glances down at it, shaking his head as a small smile plays on his lips. Secretly, he loves the tattoo, but he’s too proud to admit it.

His face turns to stony expression, giving nothing away, the second we step into the partying atmosphere, everyone celebrating the clubhouse’s revival. Axle doesn’t share smiles with just anyone.

They’re special and reserved for people he finds special.

I get the most smiles. Not that I’m keeping score or anything.

The room inside has been made a little larger, perfect for skating when this place isn’t full of bikers. Maybe that was on purpose.

There’s a guy in a chair with a bag over his head, his hands tied behind him, and his body shaking with silent sobs. It appears I’m the only one who is even given any pause by the sight, because all the others are drinking and enjoying the girls who are happily paying them attention.

“Anyone know why Tiffany and the other new girls are giving me the same cold shoulder as the ones who worked with Sarah?” Jude drawls. “Been getting worse over the past two months.”

“Probably has something to do with the fact your legendary assassin ex has started working with us on certain jobs,” Axle says with no emotion.

Jude snorts and rolls his eyes. “She can cock-block me all she wants. It doesn’t change the fact we’re never getting back together.”

“What’s with the prisoner thing?” I ask, gesturing toward Mr. Bagged Head.

Jude glances over, gives me a careless shrug, but a wicked grin spreads over his face. “Demonstration day.”

Frowning, I study the guy. “What sort of demonstration?”

Jude musses my hair, treating me less like an infectious disease and more like a tolerated nuisance. “You’ll see, skater girl.”

He turns and walks away, leaving that suspended in the air, and I cut my eyes toward Axle.

He shrugs, unconcerned, and I roll my eyes as Drex stands up on the bar. The music cuts out, and hushed silence falls over the room as the partying pauses.

“In case you haven’t heard, over the past two months, we’ve made a hell of a lot of changes. The clubhouse is safer than ever as long as what’s within the walls is loyal.”

He walks over, taking a shot from Eve, who is sitting on the bar, and he tosses it back before continuing.

“Lots of changes,” he says, staring down at the empty shot glass for a brief second. When his eyes come back up to see the quiet room, he makes a point of meeting every pair of eyes that he can.

“Ben Mars was delivered back to his father—well, most of him.”

A few cheers and laughter follow that, and Drex smirks.

“Benny has abandoned Pop. He doesn’t want to be in the middle of this war anymore. He’s not the only alliance to cut strings. Pop’s men keep randomly disappearing, and we have a little songbird selling out all the traitors within our club.”

Everyone bristles, glancing around as though they’re going to find someone with “traitor” stamped across their forehead.

Drex crouches, looking down at the man with a bag over his head. “If you’re one of those who hasn’t been sold out yet, I suggest leaving the state before I get my hands on you,” Drex says coldly, looking back up. “It’ll be the only way to save your hide.”

Byson—yeah, he’s sticking firm to that name—walks over and rips the bag off the man’s head. I’ve seen the guy before, but his name escapes me.

A few hushed whispers stir as Drex takes a seat on the edge of the bar.

“Paul here is just an example of the latest one to confess his loyalty to Pop after he was outed.”

Paul has tears streaking down his face as he looks at the crowd, silently pleading to be saved.

“Liza and a few others have already been dealt with. But since this is our first gathering in a couple of months, I thought it important to remind everyone here that I’m twice as dangerous as Pop. Twice as unforgiving. And twice as fucking brutal when I’m betrayed.”