We followed.

We killed.

We burned down the damn place.

Pretty straightforward message: Fuck with us, and we’ll fuck you harder.

Now Benny—president of the Hell Breathers—who has sided with Herrin, is staring inside a small bag where part of his son is staring back at him. He cuts his gaze away, handing the bag off to someone else, as he vibrates with fury.

“I wanted him back alive. I said I would handle it!” Benny spits out. His gaze lands on us again. “You want a—”

“Don’t say war,” Jude drawls, feigning boredom. “We’re sick of that word.”

Drex smirks as Benny looks back to him.

“Apparently you forgot that Pop was the civilized one out of the two of us. You sided with him. You let your goons join his on a ride that shot up my club,” Drex tells him, and Benny’s nostrils flare as his eyes widen marginally. “You chose your side. I’d reconsider that choice. Because in case you haven’t heard, we’ve started reaping debts in blood.”

He gestures toward the bag.

“He touched my girl. He kept her locked away, torturing her. That was actually fairly kind. Notice Hershel missing?” Drex asks flippantly.

Benny’s eyes widen a little more.

“He’s not dying as kindly,” I say with a bitter smile as my phone goes off with a text.

“Last warning, Benny. Your guys side with Herrin again, and I’ll add you to the list of names we reap,” Drex warns.

A guy beside Benny pulls out his gun as Benny shouts at him not to do it, but it’s too late. A shot rings out across the empty parking lot, and the guy’s body hits the ground.

Benny’s guys look around, like they’re searching for where that just came from.

“No more games, Benny. We’ve made a few friends along the way,” Drex goes on coldly.

I can tell Benny wants to kill us, but he’s not a complete idiot. He knows there’s a sharpshooter. Hell, he figured we came here with some backup, which is why he didn’t go for his gun himself.

I turn my back on them, only because I know Sarah is still on top of a roof, her sights set on anyone who reaches for a weapon.

Benny will cool down, then he’ll weigh his options. We just shot one of their guys in front of them, and they couldn’t do a damn thing. And we’re just one circle of our new faction.

I pull out my phone, reading the text from Drake, and curse as I hurry my steps to my ride.

“What?” Drex asks me.

“Maya thinks she’s fucking leaving.”



Smitty opens the back door for me, as I lean on Eve a little to help me down the stairs. My ribs are screaming at me to lie back down, but I pretend as though all is sunny inside me.

“I wish you’d at least stay here until I can bump up security protocols. No one knows you’re here. More and more people seem to know who you are in New York,” Smitty says grimly. “I need a specialist to come in and find out how Troy got you out of the building.”

I shake my head, hurting too severely to walk and talk at the same time.

Just as I reach the SUV, the loud, distinct sound of Harleys has me turning my head as the guys drive toward us, barreling down the highway.

Axle is out in front, and he pulls into the yard, parking directly behind the SUV. My heart does all its usual girly things, even as it breaks a little at the sight of him.

Hard jaw set in anger and eyes narrowed on me like he’s furious, he tosses his helmet aside as he moves to be directly beside me.

“I didn’t say you could leave yet,” Axle tells me in his gruff, commanding tone.

My eyebrow arches in challenge. “As a matter of fact, you all but shoved me out the door once already. I think, if it’s all the same to you, I’ll leave on my own accord this time.”

Proud that my voice is steady, I start to brace myself for the pain that will come when I haul my ass into the back. A breath rushes out of me instead, when I’m suddenly being lifted—very carefully.

It’s my turn to narrow my eyes as I look up to see Axle staring straight ahead as he cradles me to his chest.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I ask, then wince when the force of my words jostles my ribs unfavorably.

“Be thankful I’m cautious of your ribs,” he says stoically. “Otherwise, you’d be tossed over my shoulder right now.”

He stalks up the steps and into the house, and I cast a helpless glance over his shoulder at Smitty, who is closing the back door like we’re not leaving.

I start to yell at him, when Axle turns abruptly and carries me back into the bedroom before kicking the door shut behind him.