I’ve been searching. For what, I’ve never been sure, but when Lucas talked about the help he needed, the struggle of running the business on his own, and how worn-out it was making him. There was a pull. No, a tug within me to want to help him. To want to make all the dreams he’s had to put on hold come true. I was lucky, I’d been able to chase mine without a care in the world, and I’d pissed it all away.
Then again, maybe my dreams weren’t what I thought they were. Maybe they’d been waiting to show me I was wrong. That I needed to come back to the beginning to find out who I really am.
Mind made up, I sigh, and head for where my coat hangs on the rack. “Mom, don’t hold dinner for me. I’ll be back.”
“Where are you going?”
A broad smile across my face, I finally admit to myself what’s been bothering me all day. “To get the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I never should’ve left Luke and Blizzard Bluff. It took me all these years to realize it, and he’s been patient. I don’t want him to have to wait any longer.”
“It’s about time,” Dad mumbles from where he sits at the kitchen table. “When you’re done, bring him over. Even if he’s not hungry enough to eat another meal, he can have dessert with us.”
“I will,” I grin over at them. “Be back.”
* * *
My handsand legs shake as I drive over to the Fortner’s. I haven’t been to their home in years, and the last time I’d been there, it’d been the site of Luke letting me go. Tonight I hope to make a new memory. One much better.
The roads are empty since it's Christmas night, and there's no one to stop me from getting there as quickly as I can. Pulling up to the house, I sigh deeply. No much has changed since the last time I saw it. The only difference is, Mr. Fortner's pickup isn't in the driveway. Knowing they're missing one of the most important people in their lives for the holiday hurts me just as much as it hurts them. I hate to think Luke is in there, trying to hold it together for everyone else in his life when he's ready to fall apart. Running up the steps, I beat on the door.
Lucas is the one who answers. "What are you doing here?" He seems shocked. I guess I would be too if I were him, but instead of answering, I take a moment to admire the dark sweater he wears, pulled up over his forearms. His beard is cleanly cut and his hair is messy as if he's been running his hands through it this morning.
“I know the answer,” I say breathlessly. “I know what I want.”
His eyes darken further. His grip on the doorframe tightens so that the muscles in his forearms pop out. “What’s that, Holl?”
I shrug, my mouth tilting. “You. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. Years apart hasn’t changed that.”
He crushes me to his body, burying his face in my hair. “I love you, Holly.”
“I love you too,” I reach up on tiptoe to press our lips together. “And nothing is ever going to change that.”
A YearLater
“Where are we going?” Holly giggles, her eyes covered with a blindfold. It’d been easy to get her to agree for me to put it on her, she trusts me in ways no other person ever has. Whether it be taking on a business loan to grow what we’ve started with each other, or the handcuffs I like to bring out in the bedroom every now and then.
“Just be patient,” I reach over, grabbing her hand in mine for a few seconds. The road conditions are quickly deteriorating, much like they were last year at this time. When we were forced to stay in the cabin together.
“You know patience isn’t my strong suit.”
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about adult Holly over the last year, it’s that those words are true. “Oh trust me, I’m aware, but you’re gonna have to be for a few more minutes.”
“You’re lucky I love you. I’d be willing to do almost anything you ask of me.”
She’s proven that over and over again over the past twelve months. When I have to put in long days and nights, she’s there when I get home. Together we’ve built up what was a struggling business into something that will hopefully sustain us for the rest of our lives. She’s become my project manager and bookkeeper. No longer am I chasing clients for money, Holly’s become my right hand, and the most important person in my life. It didn’t happen overnight, but we’ve gotten into a routine that works for us. I can’t see the rest of my life without her, which is why I’m doing this today.
“Two more minutes,” I tease as I come to a stop in the driveway. I take in all our family waiting around for us. They’ve been here for almost an hour getting things ready, despite the snow we got last night. If it weren’t for them, I don’t know how I’d be making this happen.
“You said that five minutes ago,” she argues.
But then I turn the engine of the truck off. She bounces in her east. “Oh my goodness, are we really here? Where ever here is?”
“We are. Can you hang tight for just a couple more seconds. I’m gonna get you outta the truck, but I don’t want you to fall.”
“Yessssss,” she draws the word out like a little kid sick of waiting for a piece of candy.