Page 98 of A Prince So Cruel

“I have just enough time to take us back.” He lifted my arms, placed them around his neck, then lifted me off the ground. “It’s a convenient power. It’d be nice to keep it.” He smiled crookedly, making me unsure of whether or not he meant this.

Once more, he moved like a shadow traveling on the wind, the forest becoming nothing more than a river of shadows. I didn’t know how else to explain it.

A moment later, he was setting me on the ground. My mind whirled as I tried to get my bearings, but all I could tell was that the spot where he’d deposited me wasn’t as beautiful as the one we’d just left.

He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “No matter what happens after this moment, I want you to know that I don’t regret anything.”

His words touched my heart. I believed him. The way we’d devoured each other, the connection we’d shared, was something I would never regret, even if the others decided to judge us. I had no idea why they hated me. Perhaps their reasons were valid. Perhaps they would make sense if they explained them to me. Perhaps not. Either way, I couldn’t help how they felt about me. If they thought I was less because I was human, that was their problem, not mine. Let them judge all they wanted. I would take what Kalyll and I had shared and cherish it for as long as his memory was vivid in my mind.

A smile stretched his lips, and I figured he must have seen the resolve in my expression, the fact that I held no regrets either.

“Let’s go.” He extended a hand toward a gap between two trees.

I walked ahead of him, trying to mentally prepare myself for what lay ahead, both the known and the unknown.

Five minutes later, I spotted the others, all of them waiting, shoulder to shoulder—Kryn in the middle, arms crossed. Their expressions were cold, unyielding. With their enhanced senses, they’d heard our approach. It was clear.

We stopped in front of them. I held myself with dignity under their cold scrutiny.

“It’s about time you showed up,” Kryn spat.

Kalyll ignored the comment. “Everyone ready?”

“You would let her delay you, fail in your quest?”

“No one has failed. I’m here. On time.”

“What about your duty?”

“That conversation, right now, that’s what would make me fail.” Kalyll walked past the others, holding himself like the powerful royal that he was.

His message to Kryn was clear: I owe you no explanation for my actions. I am your prince.

Kalyll entered the cave. The others stared at me. I was no princess, not theirs or anyone’s, but I walked forward as if I was, my steps confident, my attitude a raised middle finger to their obvious disdain for me.

In a few days, you’ll be home, and their hatred will be the last thing you’ll ever think about.

I knew it because the memories that would haunt me belonged to Kalyll and me.

I’ve had a taste, and I want more. The beastandthe prince.

My insides shivered as the words echoed in my mind, and it was an effort to focus on the moment. At least until the gaping mouth of the cave stood in front of me. I froze.

I couldn’t see Kalyll. The darkness had swallowed him, or maybe the darkness had become him. If I stepped forward, would he swallow me in turn?

Jeondar came behind me, a lit torch in hand.

I took one step forward into the puddle of light the flame created. I stopped again, even when Jeondar matched my step, and the light advanced with me.

“I’m right behind you,” he said, assuring me that the glow of his torch would be my protection. It was a slim comfort, but it was better than nothing.

Ahead, Kalyll’s silhouette guided the way. I don’t know how long we walked, turning right and left, climbing and descending, but we finally came to a large space with a high ceiling.

Thousands of stalactites dripped from the top toward the stalagmites below. They gave the appearance of many teeth ready to open just to snap shut again. They dripped with water, which made splashing sounds as it hit the ground.

Kalyll planted his feet and squared his shoulders, tight fists at his sides. The others formed a line behind him, while I stood awkwardly off to the side, unsure of my place. Everyone stood tense, looking ready for a fight. Whatever they expected to find here could not be good.

My heart began hammering out of control. Whatever was about to go down in this place was the reason I was here. If only what the damn Envoy had told Kalyll could’ve been shared with me, but all I knew was that this was the place where I was supposed to use my healing powers. I was supposed to cure the prince here, but I had no idea if I would be able to.