Page 95 of A Prince So Cruel

“You have to be kidding me,” I said.

“We have to go in there?” Cylea asked, looking as worried as I felt, which only scared me further. It seemed she hadn’t known the exact destination either. “That is where the Caorthannach lives?”

“Caorthannach?” I asked. “What is that?”

“She’s the mother of all demons,” Cylea whispered. “She sends her spawns out into the world to devour us.”

Oh, shit!

“Quit trying to scare her,” Jeondar scolded her.

Cylea snickered and urged her horse forward.

“Why would she make up something like that?” I asked no one in particular.

Jeondar stopped his horse next to mine. “She didn’t make it up.”


“Don’t worry about it.” He waved a hand, then called the others. “Let’s make camp.”

Everyone worked, setting up quickly in front of the cave, someone always keeping watch for Kalyll, though we saw no sign of him, which was a relief but also a source of concern. The sky was moonless and dark, our space illuminated only by the fire, which did nothing to breach that barrier that seemed to delineate this realm from the utter darkness that lay inside the nearby cave.

After a quick meal of dry fruit and meat, I settled on top of my blankets, trying to decide whether to turn my back on the cave or the open space in front of us. What if this Caorthannach or one of her spawns crawled out of the cave? What if Kalyll or the queen’s men came to attack us? Fretting, I did neither. I just lay flat, rocks poking my back, and counted the stars to distract myself.

It was near dawn when he came. I was awake, but it didn’t matter because I didn’t see or hear anything. One moment, I was on top of my blankets. And the next, I was in his arms as he ran away from the camp.


Werushedpasthundredsof trees at a prodigious speed. The trunks blurred by, looking like nothing more than wavering reflections. Darkness streamed around us, transparent ribbons caught in a draft. The name shadowdrifter made more sense than ever.

I clung to Kalyll’s neck, afraid we would crash as he dodged the obstacles that stood in our path. I tried to find comfort in his leather and rosewood scent, but my heart only pounded faster.

He stopped shortly, but I knew we were far enough from the others that if I screamed, they would not hear me.

Kalyll set me down gently. The ground beneath my feet was supple, covered in soft moss. A circle of trees created a barrier around us, and what looked like fire sprites floated above our heads, casting a warm glow. The scent of flowers impregnated the air, and the chirping of bugs sounded faintly like a melody.

Prince Kalyll Adanorin stood in front of me, shirtless. His thick arms rested at his sides, and his large chest gleamed with sweat as it rose up and down. His wide pecs gave way to a well-defined abdomen that seemed to defy all the anatomy classes I’d ever taken. No one had that many abs or a “V” as perfect as that. Corded veins traced paths over his smooth, golden skin. His hair was loose, one strand cutting across his handsome face.

He was a work of art, all perfectly sculpted sinew, and male beauty.

A tremor went through him, that ill-contained darkness trying to break out. I told myself he was in control, but I knew he was hanging by a thread.

I glanced toward the sky. Dawn was near. All I had to do was stall him.

“Are you all right?” I asked, doing my best to sound calm.

He didn’t answer, just went on looking at me with predatory hunger.

“We were worried about you.” I turned away from him and paced around the circle. His shirt was on the ground, which meant he’d meant to bring me here, to this secluded, magical spot. I knew what he wanted. How could I not when the heat between my legs meant I wanted the same thing? Was it possible he’d thrown away my ingredients to bring this about?

Either way, this couldn’t happen—not with him in this state. Or in any other, for that matter. It would just be a good fuck. Somehow, I knew it would be good. Mind-blowing even. Maybe so good that it would ruin me for life.

So I knew I shouldn’t, couldn’t. For my own sanity.

“You don’t want this, Kalyll,” I said, my voice shaking. “In a few hours, when you’re rid of this curse, and you’re nothing but Prince Kalyll Adanorin of the Seelie Court, you’ll be glad nothing happened here with me.”

He moved closer, stopping a foot away from me. Raw, animalistic energy rolled off him. I felt it in my skin, waves of shivers that coiled tightly and turned into desire.