Page 29 of A Prince So Cruel

I continued. “So I promise not to cause any trouble and help in any way I can, if you all promise to treat me with respect, quit tying me up at night, and be more forthcoming about why I’m here.”

Kalyll pressed a fist to his chest and inclined his head. “This offer is very gracious of you, Ms. Sunder, and I appreciate it. If you have been ill-treated, I apologize. I will make sure to talk to our companions to impress the importance of being agreeable.” He threw a sideways glance at Kryn, probably trying to figure out how he would make the jackass behave. “As far as being forthcoming about your presence here, I promise that after we visit the Summer Court, I will explain.”

I wanted to ask why he couldn’t tell me now, but I suspected the reason. He didn’t trust me enough not to divulge his secrets there. But who would I tell? I didn’t know anyone there. Still, he’d mentioned his quest had something to do with protecting his people, so for all I knew, his secrets were matters of state, and if we were in my realm, there would be a manila folder somewhere, marked with a red “TOP SECRET” stamp—just the kind of thing somebody without clearance would never get their eyes on.

So, since I definitely didn’t have that sort of clearance here or anywhere else, I nodded. “That seems fair. Do we shake on it?” I offered him my hand.

He glanced down at it and gave me a slow smile. He wrapped my hand in his large one and gave it a firm, but gentle, squeeze. He seemed as if he wanted to say something else, prolonging the handshake until it felt awkward and his touch became all I could focus on.

At last, he let go. “You’re an admirable woman, Ms. Sunder.”

He walked away, leaving me speechless. Admirable? No one had ever called me that. And a prince of Elf-hame admiring me? My cheeks flushed with heat, and I turned away to hide my reaction. I occupied myself with Dandelion, making sure the saddle was tied securely, the way Jeondar had shown me a few days ago.

Seriously, Dani? You’re blushing?

I wasn’t the blushing type. My brother and his best friend had been total players in high school, and from them, I learned all the moves that drive girls crazy. Together, they’d written the handbook onHow to Make a Girl Blush and Lose Her Panties in Under Ten Seconds, and I’d studied it with care, so by the time I was of “blushing age,” I was practically immune to all the tactics utilized by men. Flattery, longing stares, purred words, posturing, alpha feats, all of it.

The thing was… Kalyll was simply being himself. He wasn’t trying to use his male charms on me. He was too preoccupied with other matters to worry about something as vain as flirting.

Chiding myself, I climbed on Dandelion and watched Kalyll talk to everyone in hushed tones. From the looks they threw in my direction—especially Kryn’s sideways glare—I knew he was telling them about the truce we’d established.

After they were done talking, we got on our way. We reached the edge of Mid Crosswood an hour later. There, Kalyll paused and scanned the trees warily. The foliage was much thicker here than it had been further south, and the forest floor seemed dark and ominous. Dandelion stamped the ground, and a little tremor ran through her, which transferred to me in turn.

I patted her neck. “Good girl,” I said, a gesture that was meant to calm not only her but me as well.

Kalyll seemed to notice my reaction and allowed a reassuring smile to grace his handsome face. He urged his stallion in my direction with a gentle jerk of the reins.

“May I ride by your side, Ms. Sunder?”

“Sure,” I blurted out, suddenly feeling flustered.

“Thank you.”

We started forward, allowing the horses to set an unhurried, though steady, pace.

“Such thick canopy,” I said, examining the branches and leaves overhead.

“Yes. These trees—Imperial Maples, they are called—are known for their abundant foliage.”

“They’re beautiful, though this gloom is kind of ominous.”

“Not in vain. There are creatures that live here that I don’t wish to encounter.”

I picked at the leather reins with a fingernail. “Are you trying to scare me?”

He chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest that made the hairs on my arms stand on end. There was such power in his voice, such deep confidence that I couldn’t help but find it infinitely sexy.

Oh, Dani. You’d better watch yourself.

“Is there no other way to get to the Summer Court?” I asked.

“There is, but it would add several days to our journey.”

“And you’re… in a hurry.”

“We certainly are. I don’t think I overstep if I speak for you as well.”

“No, you don’t.”