Page 15 of A Prince So Cruel

We all approached, our steps hesitant.

Kryn’s eyes were closed and blood stained his neck.

“Gods,” Arabis nearly sobbed, pressing a hand to her mouth.

Kryn opened one eye, his mouth stretching slightly to one side. “I’m all right, sweetheart. No need to fret over me.”

“You blasted piece of carrion.” Arabis slammed a small fist on his chest.

He recoiled, looking as if he were fighting the urge to burst out laughing.

“I should have let him kill you,” Arabis shouted, and if her fury were fire, she would have left a trail on the ground as she stomped away.

Kryn sat up, chuckling, his green eyes glinting with mischief. A trail of blood slid from his neck down to his chest.

Jeondar shook his head, turned on his heel, and walked away. Silver and Cylea exchanged a glance.

“Honestly, you’re deeply disturbed,” Silver said, running a hand through his cropped platinum hair. “I thought you would lose your head for sure. Literally, I mean.”

“She wouldn’t let that happen,” Kryn said, glancing toward Arabis.

Cyleatsked.“I wouldn’t count on that if I were you. She’s about had it with you.”

Kryn rose to his feet and dusted himself off. “You know she loves me,” he said, sounding like a conceited butthole.

There certainly seemed to be something going on between them, though I wasn’t sure I would call it love.

I didn’t know what made me offer, probably habit, but I pointed toward Kryn’s neck and said, “I can heal that for you.”

He blinked and peered at me as if he’d forgotten I existed. He shook his head. “This is nothing. It’ll heal on its own. I’m Fae.” He walked off, the words he didn’t say echoing in my mind.I’m Fae, not a weak human.

“And you keep him around, why?” I asked.

Silver chuckled. “I constantly ask myself the same question. He’s good in a fight, but little else.”

Pushing at a strand of hair as blue as the sky, Cylea said, “And there’ll be plenty of those to come, and then you’ll be glad he’s here.”

“Arabis,” I said, pointing at my throat to indicate what she’s done with her voice, “what was that?”

“She’s a Susurro,” Cylea said, as if that explained everything. “Don’t you have them in your realm?”

I shook my head. Or maybe we did, and I just hadn’t encountered one.

“Her voice can command anyone to do whatever she wants.”

I frowned as a shiver ran over my body. That was a scary skill.

Silver leaned closer and said, “She could order you to slit your throat, and you’d have to do it.”

My shiver redoubled, making me tremble visibly.

Cylea elbowed him. “Stop. You’re scaring her. Don’t listen to Silver. Arabis would never do something like that. She’s too nice.”

“The skill is wasted on her, I’d say,” Silver put it. “Don’t you think?”

I glanced toward the prince, who was getting dressed by his horse. The real question was: why had it taken a Susurro to get the prince to stop killing one of his own?