Page 106 of A Prince So Cruel

From the surprised look on his face, it was clear Kryn hadn’t told him how dire things had gotten.

“I had no choice,” I went on. “The only way to save you was to use some of the dark energy still left in you. I had expelled most of it, but I pulled some back in order to repair your heart. It was the only way.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking concerned. “What does that mean? Will I still…?”

“I don’t know what it means. Hopefully nothing. You’re strong, and maybe it will little less than affect your temper every once in a while. Maybe you won’t be able to tell the difference.”

He grunted, looking as if he were considering the worst-case scenario.

“It shouldn’t be as bad as it was before,” I said. “I mean… look at you, no hint of the beast. Unless you feel something?” I put a hand to my chest to suggest there may be some unwanted emotions there.

“What I feel has nothing to do with the dark forces that plagued me before. I—”

“Good.” I cut him off, aware that if I let him go on, it would destroy me.

“Daniella,” he said my name like a plea, “allow me to say one more thing.”

I nodded once.

“When I implied that Kryn shouldn’t worry because you’re a human, it wasn’t because I think less of your kind. I’m not a bigot. It was because a Seelie Prince may never have a serious… association with anyone who isn’t Fae. It’s not a statute of my making, nor one I can change, but believe me, I think it’s the most dull-witted thing anyone ever came up with. I think you’re my equal, and whatever stardust you’re made of, it came from the same galaxy as mine.”

My heart literally quivered at his words.

He reached for my hand, but I knew that if I allowed him to touch me, I would become undone, so I pulled away and held up the token.

“It would be best if I leave now. I’m sure you would agree.”

A muscle jumped in his jaw, and he shook his head. “I can’t say that I do, but I understand it’s necessary.” He took a step back and pressed a fist to his chest. “Daniella Sunder, it’s been an honor. You are a remarkable female, and you will forever be remembered.”

Tears pooled inside my eyes, and before they managed to spill, I clenched the token in my hand and thought of home.

The world seemed to run down, the night melting to the ground and spreading in a large puddle. Only darkness surrounded me, and for a moment, I panicked, but then the puddle climbed up again, color returning and shaping itself into the walls and furniture.

I blinked and tears streamed down my cheeks, just as I recognized my living room. My joints became unhinged, and I fell to my knees and cried like a baby. I don’t know how long I kneeled there, letting my emotions take over, but when I stood, my nose was stuffed up and my eyes swollen.

Absentmindedly, I placed my messenger bag on the sofa and padded to my bedroom. A lamp was on, casting warm light over my bed and the pile of books on the night table. I caught a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror on the closet door and barely recognized the person staring back. My skin had acquired a darker bronze hue after so much time spent on horseback. My Fae-made clothes made me look like I didn’t belong in this realm. Angrily, I pulled the tunic over my head and threw it to the floor. I did the same with the boots and leggings until I was left in my bra and panties.

My legs wobbled as I turned off the lamp, climbed into bed, and curled under the covers. I tried to find comfort in the fresh scent of my clean linens and my comfortable pillow, but it was no use. The tears kept coming, and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

It will get better. Just give it time.

Time would be the only thing that would heal this pain, this sense of loss. Kalyll had never been mine, but my heart didn’t understand that. Inside, I felt as if something precious had been ripped away from me.

Finally, I cried myself to sleep, and only then I found relief.

I awoke from a dead sleep, my eyes springing open and going wide. A hand was pressed against my mouth, caging the scream that rose to my lips. Adrenaline punched me in the chest, and I tried to fight back, but my attacker straddled me and held me down.

My eyes roved around desperately as I kicked and tried to free my arms. A guttural growl rumbled in my attacker’s chest. I stilled, and for the first time, tried to focus on his face. Long hair hung down, framing his obscured features. The scent of leather and rosewood flooded my senses.

I whimpered.

He growled in response and slowly removed his hand.


He got off the bed and threw the covers aside. Light from the window illuminated his face as his gaze devoured me.

I bit my lower lip and trembled at the sight of him. It was not Kalyll, not really. It wasn’t the beast either. It was something in between, a male with bloodshot eyes, long fangs, and claws.