Page 64 of Fearless: Encore

No matter what happens with the band tomorrow, there’s a path ahead.

I, for one, can’t wait to see where it leads all of us.

Today is goingto be interesting. I don’t quite know what to expect. None of us, including Zane, have much information about Ty’s rehab program. We know our singer is troubled. I’ve been confused because when I’ve been around him, he’s never seemed drunk or high.

To say I’m nervous is an understatement.

At least Ronni and I are on solid ground again. She’s finishing her morning routine. I turn my attention to the latest article about Kircher. It seems the nails are firmly driven into his coffin.

“Don Kircher, disgraced producer and director pled guilty to fifteen criminal counts related to his abuse of eleven prominent actresses on Friday afternoon. Actress Ronni Miller, whose relentless behind-the-scenes work exposing Merv Sofer and Kircher released a statement via her publicist.

“This man started grooming me when I was a teenager and horrifically abused so many of my colleagues on Hawaiian High for years. I’ve come to learn through extensive therapy that I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission and silence. My husband and I are finally free of living in fear of retaliation, slander, and blackmail. I applaud all who have come forward to expose this dangerous man, including the people and industry which enabled him. I’m excited to get back to work, but for now I’ll be concentrating on spending time with my extended family.”

“Kircher faces sentencing later this year. Experts predict he’ll spend the rest of his life behind bars thanks to the dozens of victims who’ve come forward. Miller faced an additional scandal this summer when explicit sexual videos of her husband, LTZ bass player Connor McGloughlin and the nanny to their twin sons were plastered online.

The nanny, Yolanda Gomez, subsequently confirmed Miller’s assertion the videos were deepfakes made at the direction of Kircher. In a coalition led by Miller and other celebrities, California is currently finalizing an anti-impersonation statute which will impose criminal penalties on those who misappropriate images to create fake sexually explicit media.”

God, my wife. She’s the most amazing, stunning, brave woman in the world. As horrific as some of the shite we’ve been through this year has been, we’ve survived. I’m more in love with her now than ever before.

“Connor. I’m ready. Is your mom here yet?” Ronni calls from the boys’ bedroom.

I hear the keycode beep. “Aye, love. She’s just arrived.”

I greet my ma, who adores helping us with the twins, thank God. She’s the perfect nana. It doesn’t hurt that Tristan and Torin are her first grandkids. Ronni and I are grateful to have her help. She shoos us away. The boys don’t give us a second glance when we leave the nursery.

Half hour later, we’re at Zane’s house. I stare out the window at downtown Seattle. Waiting for Ty. A bit on edge. The meeting at our house last night didn’t solve anything. Zane and I want the band to continue, even though Fee plans on opening Gus again at some point which would make it hard for her to be on the road with him. Jace is on the fence because of Alex’s health issues. We have no idea where Ty’s head is at. Yet.

All things considered, LTZ is still in limbo.

I’m half-listening to Ronni and Fee’s conversation with Alex about her recent health scare. Half-zoning out because, well, I feel a bit creepy for eavesdropping. I watch a huge cruise ship head out to sea and find it fascinating. The boat’s filled with families on their way to Alaska. An adventure of a lifetime planned for months, if not years. Who knows, maybe an LTZ song is blaring over the sound system as they leave.

Conversely, I’m looking out over Puget Sound, watching them depart. Knowing the future of the band will likely be decided today. If the band breaks up, will Ronni and I be on that cruise ship with the boys in a year’s time?

Life is strange.

My mind snaps back to the present when I notice Jace is close by. His arm is wrapped around Alex. We’ve not spent a ton of time with the two of them as a couple, but the way he looks at her reminds me of how I look at Ronni. I’m happy he’s found his person.

Fiona fans herself. “You two are so freakin’ adorable.”

“Are you nervous seeing Zoey? She’s due any day now,” Ronni leans in and whispers to Alex.

She opens her mouth to answer when the doorbell rings. We all go silent. I stride toward Ronni and sit next to her. Everyone else settles around the living room as Ty, Zoey, and Carter walk into the room.

Carter stands behind Ty, who looks clear-eyed and confident, and grips his shoulders. “Guys, I appreciate you all coming here today. Ty and I have a few things to say. I sincerely hope that it will be our first step to healing.”

Ty explains his diagnosis of CPTSD and why he was in treatment. We learn that his addiction was a symptom of coping rather than the problem itself. Zoey stands proudly next to him, looking like she could give birth at any moment. The two have never looked so united. Strong. They’ve been through the ringer. We all have, in our own way.

"What does CPTSD mean?" Ronni directs her question to Ty.

"It's a trauma and stress-related disorder, which is similar to PTSD that developed because I was exposed to repeated trauma throughout my childhood. I'll be honest, Ronni. I was ashamed when I received my diagnosis. That's why I kept it from all of you and why I'm here to ask for forgiveness. Regardless of what you might think, I love each and every one of you in this room. I haven't done well in expressing it. I hope that's behind me. I don't want to hide anymore."

I catch Jace’s eye. Ronni and I exchange glances. She leans into me. Grips my thigh with her hand. I keep my arm around her shoulder. I didn’t expect this from Ty. I’m hopeful. Optimistic.

"I know all of you have some idea of how I grew up. My mom was an addict. But, there was a lot more that I never told anyone,” Ty continues. His story is captivating and devastating. No one suspected the level of abuse he endured. The secrets he carried. How the experiences have so permanently affected his psyche.

Now? He seems peaceful. Humble. Authentic.

I’ve never been prouder to know a man. Doesn’t mean it’s easy to hear, I have a huge lump in my throat. I’m afraid to speak for the fear of bawling my eyes out.