Page 61 of Limitless: Encore

Back at the house, he built a roaring fire. Piled soft blankets onto the plush carpet in front of it and we made love until dawn.

The next afternoon, we picked Lena up and flew private to “our” villa in Italy. The place was as beautiful as we remembered. While it was too cold to swim, we blended in with the locals for six glorious weeks. Rested. Hiked. Slept. Tackled sightseeing like the bosses we are. Ate great food.

Most of all, we spent quality time with our daughter.

Oh, and we got married. A tiny ceremony, just for us. We’ll have a traditional event for our family, bandmates, and friends in the new year, but I didn’t want to wait another second to be Mrs. Deveraux.

Jace waited for me long enough.

We arrived home to Seattle yesterday afternoon, and even though Lena kept us up half the night because of the time change, there was no way we were going to miss tonight. She’s got a death grip on my neck. She’s exhausted.

Ty greets us warmly. Zoey is nowhere to be found.

“She’s not feeling well after the long flight, could I lay her down for a bit?” I’m hoping a nap will help with her cranky clinginess.

“Of course, take her into our room, Zoey’s back there with Ollie.” Ty gestures to their bedroom.

Excited, but nervous, I make a beeline toward the door. Zoey’s placing Oliver in his bassinet and doesn’t look the least bit surprised to see me.

“Come see your godson.” She reaches her hand out. I go to her and we hold hands and look down at the most beautiful child outside of Lena.

I can’t help it, tears well up in my eyes. “He’s bigger. And so beautiful.”

“Mama. I’s sleepy.” Lena scrubs her eyes with her fists.

Zoey reaches for her. “Lena do you want to take a nap with your cousin Oliver? You can sleep on the big bed.”

Lena buries her face in Zoey’s hair and sucks her thumb. Together we tuck her under the blanket. I stroke her hair until her eyes close and she’s out.

“I have the baby monitor, let’s let them sleep.” Zoey and I step into the hallway and shut the door.

I can’t help it, I throw my arms around her and we both are sobbing messes. I missed her and briefly confess what happened with me on the day she and Ty were at Zane’s. We were never alone at the photoshoot and it’s beyond time for me to bond with my bestie. I don’t have time to give her all the details of our trip now, and we’ll need a weekend together just the two of us to delve into everything that’s gone down over the past several months, but for now I only need her to know the basics.

A plethora of “I’m sorry’s” and “I miss you’s” follow and just like that, all is right in my world again.

“After everyone leaves, can Jace and I stay to talk with you?” I stop us in the hallway before we join the others. “We’re super jet-lagged, but I think it’s important for the four of us to clear the air. I think the thing between our guys might be holding up LTZ stuff.”

Zoey nods furiously. “Absolutely. We have to.”

We hear Carter clinking a glass and we rush out to find him proposing to Lianne. Finally. Or, I should say, shefinallysays yes.

All of us crowd around the happy couple, except Ronni who stands to the side, furiously typing on her phone. Connor calls her name. She holds up a finger to stall him for a second, and he doesn’t look thrilled.

Jace catches my eye and raises an eyebrow. I join him. “What’s up with them?”

“Business,” he mouths.

“On Christmas Eve?” I whisper.

We both shrug.

I lean into him, keeping my voice soft. “We’re staying to have a drink with Ty and Zoey.”

His brow furrows. “We’ve been up for nearly twenty-four hours. Can’t it wait?”

“No.” I see Ty watching us. “I don’t think it can.”

We manage to stay awake through dinner. And dessert. I almost begin to regret wanting to stay when it doesn’t seem like anyone is leaving. Finally, Ronni tugs on Connor’s sleeve and they make a move. Zane, Fiona, and Mia follow. Carter keeps Ty chatting until Lianne and Zoey gently guide him out the door.