Page 8 of Limitless: Encore

I look up at him. “Just bad cramps again, I took some 222s.”

“Ah, my little druggie.” He sits next to me and smooths my hair back. “I’m getting worried about how bad this is getting lately. I don’t remember any of my sisters having this type of pain. Should you get it checked out?”

I roll on my back and stretch my legs out. “For the record, I’m taking over-the-counter medication from Canada, I’mhardlya druggie. Usually, it works like a charm. I’m already feeling better.”

Jace laughs and pokes me in the side. “Jeez. Sensitive much?”

I pout and stick my tongue out at him. I’m mature like that.

“Every time I’m in this room,” he waggles his eyebrows,” all I can think about is what we did in here when you seduced me.”

My Lady Gaga posters have been torn down from the time when Jace took my virginity in this very bed. Mom converted it into a sweet little guest bedroom. I shift over on the bed and pat the space next to me. “Well, they were excellent firsts. So. Uh…do we have time for a quick orgasm? It’s the best way to stave off my cramps.”

“Sure, why don’t I just tongue-fuck your pussy with your Mom and Lena downstairs. Should I leave the door ajar?” Jace bends over and kisses my temple. His long hair tickles my neck. I reach up and run my fingers through the dark-blond locks. Enjoy how his stubble scratches my cheek deliciously. My love’s fierce, green eyes lock with mine and he smirks before swooping down to tongue-fuck my mouth. A consolation prize, sure. We savor each other for a second until a loud crash downstairs snaps us to attention.

I sit up. “What was that?”

“I’ll go check it out. Which reminds me, the reason I came to find you is to say we need to leave in about ten minutes. Now five.” He kisses me quickly and calls down to my mom as he bounds down the stairs. “Andrea, is everything okay?”

Taking stock of my situation, I realize the crampshavesubsided. A quick trip to the bathroom allows me to verify my monthly visitor hasn’t arrived yet. Thank gawd. In under five minutes, I throw on a lightweight lavender cotton maxi-dress. Add snazzy pieces of my favorite jewelry from my travel influencer days. Put on a little mascara. Dab on some lip gloss.

Voila. I’m ready.

When I make it down to the kitchen, Lena is seated on a barstool at the counter stirring something in a bowl. Jace is leaning over her staring at my mom’s famous pie recipe book. Mom’s beaming. “I thought I’d get my beautiful granddaughter and future son-in-law involved in the family business.”

My breath hitches because we’re still not engaged. I don’t want Jace to think I’m pressuring him. Not to worry, Jace catches my eye and winks before he slips into the bathroom off the kitchen to change.

I wrap my arms around my momikins. “Well, someone’s got to take over your pie empire, and it’s not going to be me. What was that loud crash?”

“I dropped a jar on purpose, so you didn’t get up to any funny business and miss your surprise.” Mom giggles and leans into me. “Now, go on your date night. Lena and I have ten apple pies to make before morning.”

“We do need to leave in the next minute or two if we’re going to make it.” Jace emerges. He’s changed into a sweater and dark-black moto jeans. “We have a reservation.”

Minutes later, we’re heading to some mystery location. I reach over and playfully squeeze his thigh. “C’mon. Where are we going?”

“We haven’t had a night out since the band’s been on hiatus. I wanted some alone time with my girl.” Jace covers my hand with his. “Lena’s settled in now. But the past eight months have whizzed by. That trip to Atlanta last spring for Ty’s humanitarian award was too short. Plus, we were subjected to stupid Ty and Zoey drama. I miss having adventures with just you and me.”

A lump forms in my throat. “Are you telling me that behind your easygoing cool-guy swagger, you’re a romantic at heart?”

“Oh, c’mon. You’re questioning my romantic nature?” His expression is mischievous.

He turns onto the Montlake exit and we speed over the floating bridge to the east side. It’s kind of glorious being able to chitchat with my guy for a stretch of time with no responsibility. No interruption. I almost forgot what it was like. Time flies by and the next thing I know we’re pulling into Marymoor Park. “What are we doing here?”

“It’s a surprise.” He grins over at me as we park in the VIP section close to a giant blue-and-white tent. He hands me a blindfold. “So, trust me and put this on.”

I hold up the scrap of black cloth. “You’re serious?”

“I am. Time’s a wastin’.” He taps his invisible watch.

Obediently, I tie the blindfold around my eyes. I hear Jace get out of the truck and by the crunch of the gravel know he’s coming around to my side. My door opens. His strong arms wrap around me to lift me from my seat and place me down gently. He tucks my hand under his bicep and we start walking. He stays noticeably quiet. Without the ability to see, our destination seems like it’s taking forever. I don’t mind, though, because I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.

Ilovethat Jace is doing this for us.

“We’re going up a ramp,” Jace whispers. “And stop fidgeting, we’re almost there.”

Jace leads me inside what I assume is the big tent. We go up some stairs. Then down some more. I smell popcorn. Something sweet. And the smell of barn? I’m so confused but thrilled beyond belief. I love surprises. I love the effort he’s put in. He seats me and I feel him sit next to me. When he carefully removes my blindfold, I blink a couple of times and my jaw drops.

We’re in the first row, three feet from a circular dirt stage the size of a baseball diamond. A single white horse stands alone in the center. I have no idea what I’m seeing, but I’m blown away.“What is this? Jace?”