Page 46 of Limitless: Encore

The three remaining LTZ band members and our loves are trying to pick up the pieces. Operative word, “trying.”

Zane, Fiona, and Mia fucked off somewhere. No one knows where they are, but my guess is in Maui. The house they bought last year is a perfect place to take a breather.

Connor and Ronni went back to LA after everything went down. He claims they’re still moving to Seattle, but I don’t believe him.

Ty’s in rehab somewhere in Arizona. Zoey, apparently, is with him.

As for Alex and me? We’re taking it day by day. Currently, we’re at her mom’s house. We decided to stay overnight here so Andrea can watch Lena when we visit Dr. Madison to get an early ultrasound and other tests. Because of her endometriosis and everything else, Alex’s pregnancy is high risk. Both of us have shifted our entire focus to doing whatever needs to be done to bring our baby to term.

“Whatcha thinking about?” She uses her index finger to pull my bottom lip down and releases it so it springs back into place. “You’re awfully broody at such an early hour.”

I capture her lips with mine. Our tongues swirl together. I grip her face with both hands. Our kisses deepen and take on an almost frenzied pace. Like we’re starved for each other. For this connection.

Until we hear the door rattle.

We fly apart. Alex’s face is bright pink from my stubble. Her nipples are like bullets through her sheer, white tank. My cock is so hard it tents the bedding. I cup it to try to calm myself.

“Mama?” The door handle jiggles.

Alex looks at me and motions for me to pull the coverlet up before getting up to unlock the door. No need, my boner died the second I heard my daughter’s voice. Alex unlocks the door and our little girl peers at us. “Hey, sweet girl, is it time for snuggles?”

Lena shrieks and runs to me. I scoop her up and zerbit her chubby cheeks. She sits back against me, grabs a chunk of my hair and sucks her thumb. Alex climbs back into bed, and we sandwich our girl between us.

It’s my favorite time of the day.

The three of us are beginning to doze off when Andrea appears in the doorway. “You need to get going. You’re used to Poulsbo traffic, not the hell that is Seattle.”

“Shit. You’re right.” I roll Lena, who’s sound asleep, fully onto the mattress. She burrows under the covers. I stroke her hair, stand up and stretch. “I’m excited you’re far along enough to see Dr. Madison. She’ll probably prescribe bubble wrap and bed rest.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “If that’s the case, I’ll at least have time to lounge around and finish up my certifications. The horses should be ready as therapy animals within the next year.”

“Uh, I can think of some naughty stuff to do in bed.” I waggle my brows at her.

“Don’t get your hopes up, Romeo. If I’m on bedrest the naughty stuff will likely be out too.”

I glide over to her, wrap her up in my arms and pepper kisses along her jaw and neck. “Well, we’ve always been creative. I will always find a way to make you come, Poppy.”

She playfully swats me away. We dress in record time and get on the road. Shockingly, traffic is light and we’re an hour early for her appointment at the clinic. Even at this early hour, the day’s already unusually hot, so we decide to get some iced herbal tea and sit in the air-conditioned building. We find a little out-of-the way cubby and plop down. The press has been insane since the debacle at Gus. I’m the least recognized LTZ member, and even I’m getting hounded in public. I’m keeping my shit as low-key as possible.

Alex stares out the window. She’s unusually quiet. Her mood has been very up and down since the Zoey incident in the hospital. She blames herself for their rift, which is ridiculous.

“You seem sad, Poppy.” We’re sitting cross-legged across from each other on a flat, concrete barrier. “Still nothing from Zoey?”


It makes my blood boil. Alex rode with her to the fucking hospital on the day her husband freaked the fuck out on all of us. She kept the paternity results—which were crumpled up on the floor for anyone to find—discreet. Alex is always there for Zoey. She’s called. She’s texted. She’s apologized. Groveled. A couple days ago, she even texted her about the pregnancy. Hoping it would jar something loose in her BFF.

To no avail, apparently.

It pisses me off. Even if Zoey is still upset, could she just have the common decency to acknowledge Alex? Congratulate us? She knows about what Alex’s been through. Yet she’s disappeared just like she did after she broke Ty’s heart all those years ago. The woman isnotmy favorite person in the present moment.

“Don’t.” She leans back on her hands and looks up at me. Her blonde hair cascades behind her shoulders.

“Don’t what?” I cock my head. I can’t think of anything that will ever make me want either Ty or Zoey in my life again.

She sits back up. Winces. Then places her hand on her flat stomach. “Don’t judge her. Let’s not have this fight again. We have no idea what’s even happened yet.Everyone’sscattered. No one’s communicating. I trust that she has stuff going on. I mean, Ty found out one of the only people in the world he trusted was hisfather. Neither of us has any way to comprehend such a thing.”

“Poppy. Please. Don’t be upset.” I take her hands in mine. “I get all that. I do. I’m just over it. Even if Ty apologizes and wants to get the band back together, I don’t think that’s what I want anymore.”