“No,” she said, taking a bite of toast. “Why?”

“That’s what last night was about, right?” I said. “Making him jealous? I think we did a pretty good job, considering we didn’t even make out.”

Her cheekbones flushed red again, and I knew she was remembering last night, just like I was. We’d put on a hell of a good show. We’d been close, flirty, intimate. It had been very relationship-y. I hadn’t thought it would be fun, but with Evie—especially drunk, relaxed Evie—it was easy. I knew that the Asshole News Network had been busily broadcasting everything to Gina. I already had six texts from her on my phone, but I didn’t tell Evie that.

“It was pretty good, I guess,” Evie allowed, swallowing her toast. “We really did toilet paper his place, didn’t we?”

“Your idea,” I pointed out.

She bit her lip. “And we let the air out of his tires, and I really did call him at three a.m. and make porn moans into his answering machine. Right?”

“Also your idea.” A pretty funny one, in my opinion.

“And now I have to work with him.”

“Not if you call in sick. Or quit.”

“I can’t do that. You don’t understand anything, do you?” She was probably right about that. I’d understood the girl who did shots and made porn moans into the phone, but I wasn’t sure I understood this version of Evie, wild-eyed and panicked like someone might brand an A on her forehead. “Right,” she said to herself. “I’ve got this under control. I really do.” She checked the clock on her phone. “Speaking of which, I’m almost late.”

“You can’t go to work yet,” I said. “I can see your boobs.”

“What?” She stared down at herself in alarm, as if she’d actually been topless this whole time and never noticed.

“I mean that you have no bra on,” I said. I pointed. “They’re, like, right there.” And fuck, I wished I could look at them. But I kept that to myself.This is Evie. She’s nice. Be nice.

“Shit,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest, though it was a bit late for that. “I have to be at work in twenty minutes. What do I do?”

“Hold on.” I went to my closet and, way in the back, found a jean jacket that used to be Andrew’s. Andrew wasn’t as small as Evie, but he was a little smaller than me. “Here,” I said, bringing it out to her.

“Thank God for casual Friday,” she said, putting it on. Now her boobs were covered, and she looked sexy and badass. Red hair, jeans, boots, Harley shirt, jean jacket. Jesus Christ. “Is it awful?” she asked me.

“No,” I said, staring. I cleared my throat. “Not awful.”Pull yourself together, Mason.“Do you need a ride?” She didn’t have her car here, because we’d taken Uber everywhere last night.

“No, thanks,” she said. “I gotta go.”

“Make sure you tell Bank Boy how good I was,” I said as she rushed to the door. She glared back at me, and I put my palms a foot apart, like a measurement. “This big, okay? I can send you a dirty text if you want.”

“Are you always like this?” she asked.

“It’s a condition,” I said. “My big dick drains all the blood from my brain.”

But she’d slammed the door behind her, and she was already gone.



Everyone stared when I walked in to work.


I felt my cheeks burning as I booted up my computer and logged in while someone unlocked the front doors. “What is it?” I murmured to Dar, who was sitting in the cubicle next to me. She had on a pressed button-down shirt and khaki pants. “Do I look that bad?”

“Bad?” she said, staring me up and down. “Evie, you look hot. I mean,hot.”

“Stop it,” I hissed. “I do not.”

“You do,” Dar said. “This is casual Friday at a whole new level. James in Customer Relations just about choked on his muffin when you walked by. And the guy fixing the photocopier has a hard-on.”