Iwokeupinan unfamiliar setting. Soft holiday lights winked and twinkled as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The scent of pine and burning logs surrounded me, the heat from the fireplace a comfort on my back.

The knit blanket from the couch scandalously wrapped my body, with the lacy design revealing bits of my bare skin. I tugged Mason's arm, trying and failing to make him let me go.

“I need to pee.” He allowed me to sit up after I pushed at him again. I rubbed my eyes, blinking the sleep out in time to catch a peek at him stretching. His naked body pressed against the blanket, the little holes displaying his skin.

“Fuck, we fell asleep on the floor,” he groaned.

“You fucked me on the floor,” I giggled, “And then you crushed me against you, wrapped me in that blanket, and told me to sleep.”

“I'm not always in my right mind with you. My cock has an imprint from the rug.”

“So does my ass.”

“I left some hand prints there too.”

I smiled shyly and glanced over my shoulder, “Holy shit!” Presents filled the bare space I'd seen beneath the tree only hours before, mountains of them.

He smiled, the soft green of his eyes playing with the tree's deeper green and sparkly lights. “Santa came.”

“Oh, did he?” I arched a brow at him with a flirtatious taunt.

“You're lucky your presents are already here because that's quite naughty of you, Claire.”

“Really? I assumed Santa was very pleased with meandrelieved not to gobble down another plate of cookies. I considered my virgin ass a lovely gift.” Tapping my finger on my chin thoughtfully, I continued, “if Santa thinks I'm naughty, what is he?”

“I'm fucking disturbed by how hard I am.” He laughed in my ear as he tackled me to the ground and pinned me with his hips. A thick, lush rug softened the hardwood floor, and I was horrified to think of the cost of something that felt this fine. “If you want to play Santa's little slut, I'm all too happy to oblige.”

“No,” I swatted at him, “I want to open presents. I'll suck your cock later, Santa.”

“Fuck, that has absolutely no right being so hot.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“Pervert.” I pushed around him, scrambling to my knees with an expression of false outrage.

He clapped his hands, “Open your presents!”

“Mason, I'm naked.”

“That's okay. I have it on good authority that you have a solution for that amongst your presents.”

“Oh, yes. Tell me all about your ‘good’ authority,” I teased as I crawled over to the gargantuan pile beneath the tree, giving him time to inspect the shapely ass I'd gifted him. I didn't need to look back to sense his gaze trailing along me like a brand, painful in its intensity.

Actual pain seared across my ass cheek as his hand came down hard. “Get that ass over there and open your gifts, you little tease.”

Fortunately, the mountain of presents was not all mine. Many were his, and some were for our staff and friends. I let out an audible sigh of relief as I gathered the ten items for myself. However, the well-wrapped garment bag hanging like a stocking beside the fire made me nervous.

“There should be a small one on top you might like.”

I picked up the little box that possibly contained a bracelet. Inside, a pair of exceptionally expensive pearl panties nestled into the silk.

“Don't you dare ask me if they're real.”

“This is what you wanted me to wear!?” I laughed as I examined the spectacular lingerie with anything but humor. The lace was silken and sleek, and the string of pearls meant to tease my clit shined a deep and lovely gold. “This would hardly cover anything.”

“No, but they'll feel amazing sliding against your wet pussy, and I'll have a wonderful time sucking them clean.”

“This must have cost—”

“Thisis the finest silk and golden south sea pearls. I paid a lot for them, but I will spend my money as I see fit, Claire, and if I want to spend it on the finest ways to make you come, that's exactly what I'm going to do.”