Page 10 of Beneath the Carnage

The fabric was incredibly fine, silk, and nearly identical to the panties. A ribbed corset built the foundation of the upper half. The cut would cling to my hips until the tops of my thighs, where the dress flared out in a skirt of ethereal gauzy material. The floating fabric and the golden color had a bubbling-champagne-like effect.

“Mase...” I swallowed, trying to make sense of what this masterpiece meant. “What is this?”

“Your wedding dress.”

“What? Where the hell did you get it? I don't even know if it fits.” The arguments tumbled out of me, but all I could think was how unbearably, beautifully perfect it was. “The color...”

“The color is suited for the goddess you are. You are stunning in gold.”

I had to agree since it complimented my olive skin. “Where did you buy this?”

“We're getting married on New Year's Eve. Everything is taken care of, and I promise the whole thing will be as lovely as the dress.”

I closed my eyes, trying to process how overwhelmed I was. “Did you not think I might want a choice in all this?”

He waited until I opened them again, then stared deeply, “Is the wedding something you wanted a choice in, baby? Because I thought that it would have been miserable for you to plan, caused you stress, and left you unable to enjoy the big day. I didn't want you to have to plan anything but your vows.”

I wanted to complain, but he understood me so well. I had no idea how to plan a wedding. My mom wouldn’t help me, and I didn't come from money. Mom separated us from the rest of the family, so I attended no family weddings. Trying and failing would have hurt my self-esteem.

“What if I say no?”

“Then you can't wear the dress.”

“Fuck.” He had me. It was incredible. “Seriously, Mason. What if I don't want to do this?”

“Then we won't.”

I let out a long breath. “Why does it look like it will fit?”

“Because I have your measurements.”

“You're pushy.”

“You love me.”

“Can I try it on?”

“Not in front of me. You and I don't needmorebad luck.” He winked at me as he got to his feet, “I'll send Rochelle in to help you.”

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down, “No-no, I'll try it on later.”

“That's good. I was bluffing. She's not here.”

I slapped him as I snuggled into his chest. “Where did you find it?”

“It was custom-made for you by a very skilled young designer I know from the warehouse district.”

I chewed my bottom lip. “You asked me to marry you only a few days ago.”

“A little over a week.”

“This must have taken multiple weeks.”

“Months. I had the panties commissioned as well. Finding the perfect matching shades of pearl, silk, and lace wasn't easy.”

“You've been planning to marry me that long?” My heart raced, my breath stuck. The half smile on his lips had my blood heating beneath my skin.

A loud bang came from the door separating Lawrence's private offices from the rest of the house. I jumped, making the still-healing muscles in my stomach ache.