“Is that better, Ju?” I asked sweetly as I slipped my fingers between her lips.


She expected me to shove roughly into her, and I relished her little gasp as I brushed over her clit. Despite the slightest moisture coating her when she walked over, she was nowhere near ready. I worked that sensitive bit of flesh in gentle circles, warming her body slowly up to the idea of me pleasuring her.

The terrified look in her eyes had been absent since I killed David, and it was replaced by something subdued, but it returned with great force now. She rolled her plush lips into her mouth, biting them hard, unsure if she wanted to scream or moan. The moan won out as I slid a finger into her now truly wet cunt. Working her G-spot and clit together had little shivers running over her body, sweet moans spilling out of her lips.

Ju responded slowly, a product of her circumstances, no doubt. However, I didn't mind a challenge, and this would prove necessary to gain the type of loyalty I required.

“Lay back,” I cooed as I helped her. She gave me a frightened look but complied immediately. “Spread your legs wide. Let me see every bit of you.”

Surely she thought I would fuck her there and then. I ran my hands up her thighs and over her naked stomach, appreciating the long shallow slices along her belly. She tensed, preparing for my cock. She practically leaped off the table when I leaned forward and licked her parted lips. A shocked gasp ripped from her throat, and I chuckled in deep satisfaction.

I enjoy the taste of pussy, and Ju proved no exception. After working her up with my fingers, it only took a few minutes of pulsing suction and sweeps of my tongue before she cried out and came on my face. I carefully licked her clean, enjoying the press of my cock against the rigid confines of my pants.

She sat up, gazing at me in utter bewilderment. A new softness in her expressions lingered around the edges. I would smile at the ease I sensed in using her for my plan, but it was time for the next step. “Get the fuck out of my sight.”

I leaned back, dismissing her without another word. She looked from me to the jacket, then the door, before decidingnotto tempt fate. She ran out, likely feeling she’d gotten away with something. But I didn’t need that jacket as much as I needed her to obey me. I didn't spare her a glance, knowing that my attention would eventually become something she coveted.

Part of me hoped she would try to run. It would be an important lesson to learn, but she was smarter than that. Her sniffles told me she hadn’t gone as far as I thought. I glanced to the doorway and saw fat blubbering tears rolling down her cheeks. I knew those dainty ones were only the first drips from a deep well of pain. She truly ran then, unable to stand the sight of me.

Her flavor lingered on my tongue as my eyes ran over the cream and gold wallpaper with little birds at the edges. A clock that chimed with different bird calls hung on the wall. The entire room reminded me of Elizabeth, and it gave me great joy to vandalize what Mason considered sacred.Something I couldn't place flickered in my chest at the thought of destroying what she had lovingly crafted. However, my hatred for her son burned considerably hotter.

Once things were settled with Delano Agrest, making this mansion my palace was a top priority. I needed a statement piece to show the movers and shakers in this city and the ones around it that I had not only taken power buteverythingfrom my predecessor.

Delano was another fool. He tried hard to take this city from David Sharp and even managed to send him to jail, effectively ruining David’s public reputation. Still, he never actually took any of his power and certainly never took the place the old man considered home. Delano thought I was a naïve, young up-and-comer, too power-hungry for my potential.

Delano’s willingness to collaborate on eliminating David proved how severely he underestimated me. If things went as I hoped, and he continued his assistance, I would have this city and his before the first buds popped on the trees. But, beyond that, onlyIcould limit my potential.

Mason Sharp was nothing more than a speed bump and someone David tasked me with getting close to; David told the truth when he reminded me of my history right before I killed him. I was nothing before he pulled me out of obscurity and used me to teach his son a lesson. Like a modern-day Great Expectations if Mrs. Havisham had been Pip's benefactress.

As a boy, I shared a sense of camaraderie with Mason. For as much as he had, his life sucked, and mine did too. That should have been enough to form a bond, but I'm not sure I ever experienced feelings like others. I soon recognized the potential in his life. Potential that I knewhewould never realize. He had the world laid at his feet. If he were not so fucking soft, he would have everything.

I enjoyed spending time with Mason, but he meant nothing to me. He was only an obstacle to what should have always been mine. Then, when we were fifteen, I learned the piece of shit was a billionaire in his own right. His trust fund ensured that as soon as he came of age. My tenuous fondness for him shriveled beneath the knowledge that we weren't the same, not even close.

I believe I cared for his mother. At least my emotions for her were warmer than others I knew. Elizabeth Sharp was an incredibly gentle creature and so fucking beautiful. When she wrapped me in her arms and hugged me, it was the first time a woman ever held me that way. What did the word mother even mean to someone like me? I certainly never knew mine.

My intentions to steal what she had left for her son should have filled me with guilt, but they didn't. I always understood my intended purpose. David needed someone close to Mason who could learn anything about him and report back. I did that well, gathering information for my goals as well as his. I never wanted to be a good soldier despite what David thought of my stellar performance. He served as another thing, standing between me and what I deserved. And I counted his wife among those things.

Mason would spin in circles until the day I decided to end him, as I did to his father. There was just the matter of taking his trust fund for myself before I would take my time killing anyone who shared their blood. Most importantly, I would sell the girl he claimed to love to someone more depraved than myself. One acquaintance of mine ate them. Since this would be Mason’s last Christmas, I might as well make it exciting.

The pathetic lump of a man dozed in his bindings near the bay window. I stood and walked over to him, kicking him in the side with the stiff toe of my shoe. He grunted, eyes flying open like he had forgotten where he slept. I had nothing to say and didn't offer him any last words or a chance to remove the gag. Instead, I stared into his frightened, ugly brown eyes as I wrapped my hands around his neck and squeezed.

His life ended so abruptly that it was anticlimactic. Perhaps I’d given him a heart attack in the process of strangling him.

“Alexei, it's time you drop our gift off,” I called, knowing he was waiting outside the door. “Make sure you wrap it how I requested.”

The lumbering man stepped into the room. Clearing his throat as he stared at the dead body, “The same as the other?”

“No, something splashier.”

“Yes, sir.” He grabbed him by the ankles and dragged the body away.

With my tasks for the morning taken care of, I found the familiar path to Mason’s bedroom, and consequently, I found Ju in his bed, cuddled into a small ball, crying hysterically. There were more than thirty rooms in the house, five of which were guest rooms. I could have given her any of them, or even put her in a cage, but this was funnier.

“You know, if you behave for me, I may choose to keep you.” She looked up with her usual mask completely gone. Hope gleamed in her watery eyes.Gotcha.

With that idea firmly planted, I closed the door. I walked toward what was once David's bedroom, pausing in the hall before a picture on the wall. I tapped a young Mason on the center of his forehead, “See you soon, old friend.”