“Hi, hon.” Penny’s no-nonsense voice stretches across the line. “Me, too. But it’s not you and Ash that I’m worried about getting here. It’s Cord.”

My brow drops. “Cord, the groom, Cord?”

“Do you know any other Cords, Alvarez?”

I smile at her smart response. “One’s enough, I think.”

“He and Griff are playing in Chicago. But they’re already delaying flights out of O’Hare because of the storm up north. I’m worried that they’re going to get grounded.”

“Oh, no.” I smooth a hand over the braid running over my shoulder. “What can we do?”

“Cord says he’s trying to find a private flight, but everyone’s getting grounded. Plus, he doesn’t want us to stress out Hannah.” She snorts. “I don’t get why we can’t ask the rock star with friends who tour for help, but Griff said he was adamant.”

That is strange. “Well, he’s not the only one who might know people.” Already my mind races. “Let me call Judd. Maybe he or Richie knows someone who can help us out.” Judd Jones and Richie Appapo are two of my acting friends. Last year, Judd and I pretended to date in what became a fiasco of media coverage. Though I could have done without that drama, I’m glad the experience let me get to know Judd.

“Do you know Bash’s or Libby’s numbers? Any of the Zealots?” The Dazed Zealots are an alternative rock band that Hannah toured with last year. Since then, they’ve won a couple of Grammy awards and have hit the top of the Billboard charts.

“I might have Libby’s number on my phone from the bridal shower.”

“Okay, great. What we need is anyone who can help us get two hockey players from Chicago to Chesterboro University faster than this Nor’easter bearing down on us.”

“So, time is of the essence.”

“Absolutely, sister.”

“Got it.” I nod, tucking my hand on my hip. “I’ll text you. Start a group text so I can add people on.”

“Will do. I’ve already left a message for Shea. They’re still in Boston, though. Linc and Declan have a game today, too.”

“She didn’t pick up?”

“No. But it’s Shea. She’ll get back.”

I grin. She’s right. Shea Carmichael is one of the most dependable people I’ve ever met. “I’m surprised she’s not on your other line right now.”

“It’s only been a few minutes.” We both chuckle. “I’ll be in touch,” she says before we disconnect.

“What’s up?” Ash appears in the hallway in front of me, opens his arms, and folds me against him. I tuck my cheek against his chest, breathing in the comforting scent of him. God, I’ve missed him.

Ash and I were high school sweethearts. After I graduated, we did a stint of long-distance and fell apart. When we reconnected last year, I worried things would be the same, and we wouldn’t be strong enough to go the distance—literally and figuratively. But things have been so much different this year. Sure, I still miss him when we’re apart. It hurts, like a piece of my soul is away from me. This time, though, I trust our strength.

Still, our time apart makes me appreciate these quiet moments when we’re together even more.

Finally, I lean back to meet his gaze. He waits patiently. “That was Penny. She’s worried that Cord won’t make it to Chesterboro in time, thanks to the storm.”

“He’s with the team, isn’t he? They’ve got their charter.”

I nod. “But they’re canceling flights into Newark already.”

He rubs his hands up and down my arms. “There’s no need to worry yet. I’m sure that their staff is going to want to get home for the holiday, too. Maybe they’ll adjust their flight plans. Fly into Philadelphia or something.”

“Maybe. But no one wants that for Cord and Hannah.”


“I’m going to call Judd. See if he has any suggestions.”

Ash wrinkles his nose. “Aren’t he and Richie in the Caribbean for the holiday?” This summer, Judd convinced Richie Appapo, a longtime friend, to give their relationship a real chance. Judd has a reputation as a playboy, and Richie hasn’t been keen to let the world into his personal life. But since going public, the two of them have only become more blissfully in love. I’m so happy to see them happy.