“Hasn’t she called?”

“Well, yeah.” He shrugs. “I let it go and texted her back that everything is fine, and I’m on my way.”

“You’re a moron sometimes.”

“I’m just worried about her.”

“You’re making it worse.”

He nods, swallowing. Picking up his phone, he studies it as he dials before putting it to his ear and standing. “Hey, babe.”

As he tries to find a quiet place in the small plane, I shake my head at him. Even though I think my friend is stupid for not telling Hannah what’s in his head, I understand. I love Penny so much, as much as I know Cord loves Hannah. I’ve hidden things from her when I shouldn’t have because I thought they would upset her or hurt her. All I ended up doing was making it worse. Hopefully, Cord figures that out.

My phone buzzes. It’s Penny. I answer immediately. “I love you.”

I hear her small gasp on the other line, and I can hear the smile in her voice when she says, “I love you, too.”

“Just wanted to tell you.”

“Thanks.” She inhales. “Where the hell are you, though?”

“We’re about to land in Harrisburg, as far as I can tell.”

“That’s not Scranton, where Jake’s headed right now.”

“I’ll call him, tell him to turn back. The Scranton airport is closed.”

There’s a long pause on the line. “Are you going to make it here, Griff?” Penny’s usually good at hiding her concern behind bravado. But I can tell she’s worrying now, and it tugs at my heart.

“I’m going to get there,” I assure her. “I just don’t know when. Where are you guys now?”

“I’m at my parents’ house. Hannah’s here, and Ash and Cami didn’t want to drive back into town to his place, so they’re staying here, too. We’re expecting Linc, Declan, Shea, and Ivy any minute.” Penny’s parents have plenty of space to entertain and offered it up to our friends. “Hannah’s doing her best to keep her cool, but she’s upset.”

“Cord’s on the phone with her now.”

“Thank God.” I can almost hear her eye roll. “Listen, we’re going to get you guys here as fast as we can. Let me make some calls.”

“If there’s anyone who can organize this, it’s you.” I mean it, too. When she sets her mind to something, she’s a force to be reckoned with.

“I love you.” In the background, I hear someone call out to her. “Hang on for a second.” She muffles the phone, and I hear her say, “I’m in here, Mom.” I can’t make out what she says next, but it’s not a quick conversation. Finally, Penny returns. “We have a new problem.”

Dread fills my stomach, and I worry about Hannah. “What?”

“No electricity at the country club.” She blows out a breath. “Where the wedding is supposed to be in less than twenty-four hours.”

Hannah Marshall

“Letmegetthisstraight.” I force myself to keep my voice down. Penny and her family are in the adjacent rooms. “Your team got stranded in Chicago, so Shea’s parents flew out to pick you up, and you were supposed to land in Scranton, but now you’re getting grounded in Harrisburg.”

“Babe…” Cord’s voice says everything. He knows he messed up.

“Why the hell am I only finding out about this right now?” I prop my hand on my hip and glare at the wall.

“I didn’t want anyone to upset you.” I can picture him on the plane, running his hands over his face. “The baby…”

“Don’t you start that with me, Cord Spellman. Pregnancy lasts too long.” I shake my head and blow out a frustrated breath. “You should have said something.”

“I know, hon. I’m sorry. I should have told you. I hoped it would be over before you found out, and we could just laugh about it. But you’re right—I should have just told you about it from the beginning.” I want to keep going, but I stop. He apologized. But his next words melt me. “I’m worried about you, though. This baby, you… you’re my entire world. You need to know that.”