Page 22 of A Christmas Deal

“Love you, too. Drive safe, and text me when you get back there.”

“Yes, dad,” I tease and drop a kiss on Charlie’s plump cheeks; her eyes are heavy, and she snuggles closer into Natalie. Mav and I bump fists, but his arms wrap around my waist when I step away.

“Love you, buddy. I’ll be home in a couple months and then you and I can go have an aunty and Mav day. How does that sound?”

“Can we go to the arcade?” he asks, wide-eyed.

“Yeah, whatever you want. We can even get pizza and ice cream afterward,” I promise, ruffling his mop of brown hair. Stepping slowly through the melting ice, I wave back as I close the car door behind me.

“You ready to hit the road?” Preston asks. The bright screen of his phone catches my eye. The playlist “Fake Dating Done Right” scrolls across.


“What? I thought it was perfectly fitting.” The mellow beat ofAffectionby Between Friends filters through the car’s speakers as we back away from my childhood home.

“Fine, let’s go boyfriend.”

“I like the sound of that, stacks.”


New Year’s Eve

Preston will be here any second. The girl in the mirror surprises me. I’ve never worn a dress this short or tight. The heels make my legs look longer and toned. I draw in a deep breath. I can do this.

We’re about to put our relationship on full display at the bar downtown. Thankfully, most of the student population is still out of town since break doesn’t technically end for another few days.

Walking in with Preston would be one thing, walking in with Preston in the bodycon black dress I’ve “borrowed” from my suitemate is a whole other thing.

Three rapid knocks sound against my door. I take one last look in the mirror.

Preston’s gaze racks down my entire body, twice, before he picks his jaw off the floor. “Baby, you look stunning.”

My cheeks heat from the compliment and my chest swells with confidence. It feels good to be admired by a man like Preston.

“You ready to go or do you want to keep undressing me with your eyes?”

He clears his throat. “How about I just undress you for real?” He steps toward me, but I push against his chest stepping out of my dorm, and pulling the door closed behind me.

* * *

The bar is packed, standing room only. Preston’s fingers curl tightly around mine keeping me close as we push through the throngs of tipsy partiers.

“Do you want a drink?” Preston shouts over the music.

“Yeah, sure. Whatever you think I’ll like,” I say, unsure.

The multicolored drink he hands me tastes like a vacation at the beach. I suck it down and hand the empty glass back to him. “Another?” I look up at him innocently pleading.

“We’re not repeating the Santa Crawl tonight,” he teases but turns back to the bar and grabs me another.

I find a free pedestal table in the back corner, dragging Preston in that direction. Before we can make it, someone catches his shoulder and I’m jerked back when he stops to chat. His hand drops mine automatically. I deflate at the abandonment when I take in one of his teammates.

They go in for the typical bro hug, slapping each other on the back. Nervous energy courses through me, setting my skin on fire in a matter of seconds. I take another huge sip of my drink hoping the alcohol will settle it.

It’s not the one to do the job. Preston pulls me in front of him, his strong arms caging me into his chest. The solid wall of muscle at my back and his tight hold halt my fleeting thoughts.

“Jack, this is Clara, my girlfriend.” I stiffen at his carefree introduction, still not used to that label attached to my name, attached to us. His thumb rubs soothingly against my lower stomach. Jack takes me in the same way Preston did when I opened my door.