Ieduin fell asleep quickly in their arms, but woke sometime later to find Rowan wasn’t next to him any longer. The moment of panic fluttered away when he heard Rixxis making muffled sounds of pleasure next to him. He turned over and found Rowan’s face tucked between her thighs. Her reward for being such a good girl earlier, apparently.
He watched them together for a while, growing hard again, and debated joining in, but they hadn’t invited him, and they deserved their moments together, too.
After they were finished, Rowan came back to his side of the bed and curled up with Ieduin, their legs intertwined, his hand on Ieduin’s cock. “Do you need attention?” he asked, sleepily stroking him.
Ieduin shook his head and nuzzled his hand away, planting another kiss on his cheek. “Need rest. Long march in the morning.”And you sound so tired.
Rowan’s answer was an affirmative grunt. He let his chin rest on the top of Ieduin’s head with a contented sigh and was asleep before the next breath.
“Niallisgone,”Isaacsaid to Eris as she ran her hands over her swollen stomach.
The baby had been kicking up a storm all night and now she was having cramping pains in her lower back. The healer had assured her that was normal; these were only practice contractions. Her body was preparing to deliver the baby in a few weeks’ time.
She needed to be back in Brucia for that. The only reason they hadn’t left yet, especially after the prince’s coup, was because of her pains. She needed to be cleared by the healer before any travel.
“Gone?” Eris stood, wincing at a sudden cramp. “What do you mean, gone?”
“I mean, Your Grace, he’s not here. My men have searched the palace for him and there was no sign of him. There’s a rumor that he fled the city.”
What does he know that we don’t?The baby jostled, and she rubbed her stomach in thought. “Is the carriage ready?” Eris asked.
Isaac shook his head. “I haven’t heard back from the men I sent to ready it, but I’m not willing to wait. I’ll escort you there myself.”
She nodded. “Let me get my shoes on.”
Eris eased back into her chair and fought to get the slippers on. Her feet were so swollen now, those were the only shoes that would fit her.
There was a knock at her door, drawing Isaac away. Eris relaxed against the chair with a few deep breaths. She wasn’t looking forward to being jostled about in the carriage, but it couldn’t be helped. The sooner they got back to Brucia, the better.
News had reached them early that morning that a force had amassed to the east, made up of humans and flying the banner of the Eight Divines. They had declared themselves a holy army and issued a disturbing manifesto, outlining their beliefs that elves were evil and mages needed to be reined in under stricter rules. The manifesto had also declared her a heretic queen, and the army’s intent to depose her.
There were still four thousand Crows in Brucia, more than enough to defend the city should these zealots march on it.
“I said no,” Isaac insisted loudly, his hand flying to his sword. “Step away from the door. Now.”
“Isaac, what is it?”
Isaac turned away from the door, giving Eris a faint glimpse of the armed guards standing on the other side.
“Prince Michal demands your presence in the cathedral at once,” said the guard.
“He isn’t in a position to demand anything from us,” Isaac said roughly.
Except that Isaac was wrong. They had only a few guards with them. If Eris refused the prince’s summons, it might mean fighting their way out of the palace, and they simply didn’t have the numbers. Their only hope of getting out of Ostovan unscathed was playing along.
Eris slipped her other shoe on and waddled over to put a hand on Isaac’s arm. “Inform the prince that we will be along shortly.”
“Pardon, Your Grace, but we’ve been instructed to bring you to him at once,” said the guard.
Eris frowned and looked to Isaac who shook his head slightly. Nothing good could come of this, and he didn’t trust the guards or Michal not to kill them when they arrived.
“We will go,” Eris announced.
The guard nodded and stepped back, making room. “This way, Your Grace.”
Eris walked with her head held high, a hand on her swollen belly and Isaac at her side. He never took his hand from his sword, eying the guards that surrounded them with suspicion. If Michal decided to kill her, would Isaac be able to stop him? How many men could he defeat before he fell? Would she beg for her life if it came to it? For the life of her child? The questions spun in her mind as they made the long, tense walk through the palace.