Page 11 of Shay’s Ascension

Getting my first glimpse outside the room, I see a large, burly man, most likely the same age as me, standing guard at my door. Even if I could leave the room, I now know there’d be someone there waiting to catch me and prevent my escape.

My heart plummets with this new realization, even though I knew full well there was no way I was getting out of these chains. Not unless a key fairy showed up and gave me the key I so desperately need.

She’s not gone long before returning with an empty basket, spraying it down with the cleaner, before wiping it down and placing a new bag inside of it.

She walks over, picks up my plate from the bed, and places it on the tray. A small hint of a smile on her face when she sees the note is now gone. She takes the tray and bucket of cleaning supplies and leaves the room, this time closing the door behind her.

I pull the blanket up over me as I lie down with my back to the door, making sure my movements aren’t suspicious so I can hide what I’m trying to do from the camera or anyone who would walk through the door. I make noises like I’m sobbing, to cover any sound, and open the slip of paper. The writing is unfamiliar.

The other person is a woman who came in with you. Beba. She said not to worry, rescue was coming.

My heart plummets. Beba. Can I trust this? She’s my best friend. I hate having so many doubts, but I do. Letting out a huge sigh of frustration, I calm my thoughts. Beba is my best friend. She has been with me through everything. If she was in cahoots with Maverick’s sadistic ass father, she would’ve turned me over long ago. I want to kick my own ass at my poor judgment at having doubts about her. Friends don’t do that.

Now with my head on straight, I find comfort in her words. Heck, I knew my men; my mates would come for me. My only fear is they won’t make it in time before the bastard tries to sleep with me himself, or worse, finds out Mav and I already have a daughter. I shake off the negative thoughts seeping their way into my brain because I need to be strong and ready for my rescue.

I carefully crumple the paper up, knowing I need to get rid of it, I try to think. Then it hits me: the toilet. There’s no fucking way he’d sift through my waste and I could find a way to slip it in with the toilet paper. Now I just need to go. Keeping the paper clutched in my hands, I sit up and take the bottle of water from the nightstand and guzzle it. That mixed with what I drank with the food should have me needing to go soon. I hope!

The quiet is torturous. Not knowing how much time has passed. I wonder how the guys and Chelle at home. What’s happening to Mav and Beba?

I feel as if I may go mad. There’s been no one to come back to the room. I did finally use the bathroom and destroy the note all in one fell swoop. I’m sitting on the bed with my back to the headboard, my knees pulled tight to my chest, and my arms wrapped around them. My thoughts run rampant when the bedroom door flies open.

I know right away it isn’t Lydia. No, it's the second biggest monster I’ve met stepping through the door. A predator with a lascivious grin on his face stares me down like prey. He studies my every movement as his tongue juts out from his mouth, swiping it along his lips. Stepping into the room, he shuts the door behind him and moves towards the shelf hanging on the wall.

He stops in front of it, turning his back to me. Why not? I’m chained, and there’s no way I could possibly do anything to him. Reaching up, he turns the stuffed animal around and flips the pictures face down.Curious?

Then he turns back to face me, looking at me sternly, sinisterly, you could say. This man has no soul, and I’m fully aware of it. My eyes keep flicking from him to the door, as If I could escape from this room. He gives an eerie laugh that has fear racing through me, almost as if it was in my blood at this point. Working its way through my circulatory system, making sure it reaches every inch of my body.

He walks by the dresser, the tips of his fingers dancing across the top of it as he moves closer to me. “Your friend thought she was clever. You’d think with her being the all-powerful oracle she was, she’d seen her capture. Rumors tell of how the supernatural world cried the day she disappeared, except for her family. They were tight-lipped and emotionless. Guess we know why now. How they did it, well that’s the question, isn’t it?” He continues to step closer until he’s standing at the edge of the bed.

Pulling my legs closer to my body, using them as a shield between me and the threat in front of me. “What do you want?” meekly comes from me, my voice quivering as I ask.

“Oh, just to let you know there won’t be any more notes.” By the shock on my face at his words, he senses my fear, and he enjoys it. It’s almost as if he is consuming it, as though it was a power source for him.

“Nn-nn-notes?” I stammer out, clenching my hands into fists, allowing my fingernails to dig into my palms, hoping to keep anything from slipping from my mouth. He couldn’t know; I was so careful not to show it.

He moves around the bed until he’s staring down at me. Then before I know what’s happened, he reaches out, snatching up a handful of my hair, and jerks me up onto my knees so I am face to face with him. “Let’s not play games. Lydia paid for her betrayal as well, and I had some fun with the little oracle. Amazing how helpless she was when her power wasn’t accessible to her.” His free hands connect with my face as he punches me right in the eye. “Step out of line again, accept any further notes, and the pain will be far worse. I heard your father and the boss talking. I know you have a child. How horrible would it be for something to happen to her?” He lets go of my hair, tossing me back onto the bed.

“Noooooo!!” I cry out. “I’ll be good and do everything you say, that he says. Please just leave my daughter alone,” I beg him. But do monsters even care?

He just grins, an evil smirk, then lets out a laugh riddled with joy. “Oh, I knew you’d obey. Now I plan to ask for my turn with you. I will bring your food from now on. Get used to seeing my face. But tonight sit there and let your hunger eat away at you. You don’t need to eat for that pussy to work. Once you’re pregnant, it’s the only time your health is of any concern to us.” With that, he opens the door, slamming it shut behind him.

I break down, allowing just this time to let all my feelings out, and then I need to be strong. Getting out of here with Beba and Maverick is the only thing I can focus on. There is no way I am going to be used by the men here, and that goes for both power and sex.

I have to be on guard. A nagging feeling tells me he will take advantage of me at any given opportunity. I move farther back on the bed, once again pulling my knees to my chest as if it’s my own protective barrier keeping all evildoers at bay. Sitting there, I watch the door, ready for anyone who may come in. My eyes grow heavier the longer I sit there, time no longer having any meaning for me.Stay awake Shay, you need to be ready for whoever comes through that door.

Chapter 7


Wehavetheblueprintsfor the bastard’s compound. Now, we need a plan. Not only do we need to get inside, but we need to find the exact rooms they're in and get them, and us, the fuck out of there. How we’re going to do that, I don’t have a clue. I’m feeling useless at the moment.

“Brother, stop. We just need to think.” Hunter thinks he is so smart and knows what I’m thinking.

“St…” I start to say.

“Don’t act dumb. You’re worried you don’t have a plan, but we’ll come up with one. What we need is a way to just go poof and be inside the house. Then we could have three teams and each one goes after one of our people.”

Hunter’s speaking, but my mind is racing and I take off out of the room at a sprint.