Page 19 of Shay’s Ascension

“Nah, man. I owe him one. Fucker thought it was cool to attack my baby sister when she rebuked his advances. He likes to prey on those weaker, and now’s my time to show him how it feels. I couldn’t do anything about it before, but now I can.” I watch the fire erupt in his hands as he’s talking.

“Okay then, you distract him and we’ll head after Mav. Nolan, go with Miguel. Jael, you’re with me.” They nod their heads once in understanding.

Miguel peeks around the corner, throwing his fireball right at Jarrod, knocking him off balance as he falls to the floor. Nolan runs full force, ramming his shoulder into his gut, and knocking him against the wall. All the wolves inside the house know they are to shift only if absolutely necessary.

We take off to the door he was guarding, grabbing the handle. I try to open the door, but it’s locked. “Miguel, hand please,” I shout. He turns as I gesture to the door and he shoots a burst of fire at it. The knob heats and the door catches on fire.

“Oops, sorry,” he calls out, before shooting a bolt of power so great it blows the door off its hinges.

Stepping into the room, I see a battered, out-of-it Maverick, chained up and lying on the bed. He has restraints around both wrists with chains that connect to the headboard. Around his ankles are the same restraints, but the chains attached to those go straight to a bolt on the floor.

“Maverick, we’re here for you,” I call out as I rush over to him.

“No, leave me. Get Shay and Beba.” He tries to protest with the little strength he has in him. Why the fuck is he so out of it?

“We’re getting them. Ryder is going after Shay and Sebastian is after Beba. We need to get you out of here. Is there a key?” He’s going in and out as I talk to him. “Mav, come on man, I need you to talk to me.”

“I don’t know who has it.” He struggles with every word he’s saying.

“Jael, try to get him awake. I’m going to see if our pal out in the hallway has a key.” Stepping out of the room, I’m overtaken by the view in front of me. Miguel has Jarrod spread eagle, held to the wall by some invisible force as Nolan beats the ever-loving fuck out of him.

“End it, we need to get Mav out of the restraints he’s in and carry his ass out of here.” Sensing the urgency in my words, Miguel simply gives a flick of his wrist, snapping Jarrod’s neck, releasing his power, and leaving the body to fall limply to the floor.Fuck, I need to get some magic. That makes shit a lot easier.My wolf, not liking what I was thinking, immediately starts growling.

Walking back into the room, I see Jael pulling on the chains, having broken one free from the headboard. “Magic isn’t going to work here; there's a magic barrier up. We’re going to have to get him free as best we can and remove the rest once we are out of here.”

“I got it. I’ll zap them from the hallway,” Miguel says, calling his magic to his hand and shooting it toward the chains by Maverick’s feet. Except nothing happens. “Fuck, the magic barrier is preventing any from going inside the room. We’re going to have to get him out of them ourselves.”

Miguel steps into the room and moves to the chain on the floor, gripping it along with Nolan as they work together to break it free. Jael takes hold of the remaining chain on the headboard and I help him. It seems we’re wasting valuable time, but eventually, we have him free. Nolan and I each take one of his arms over ours as we move out of the room, with Miguel in the lead to run interference with magic.

We move quickly down the hallway, stopping only long enough for Jael to help with getting Mama Saige. Rushing down the stairs, we encounter two soldiers. Jael stands Mama Saige against the wall as he rushes one, sinking his fangs into his neck, drinking some of his blood before snapping his neck. Miguel casts a spell, sending the other one flying against the wall, magically sealing his mouth so he can’t scream for help.

With the threat detained, we take off down the hallway, heading for the door to lead us outside. Rushing across the yard towards the woodline. The battle out front is still going strong. Once we have Mama Saige and Maverick safely out of the house, I open my link to Ryder to see how he’s doing. It’s taking everything in me to not rush back across the yard to help.

“We got Mav out and someone called Mama Saige. Miguel wouldn’t let us leave without her. What’s going on? Do you have her?”

Two words come back from him.“Not yet!”

Chapter 11


Walkingaway,headingina direction that my mate isn't in, is tearing me into a million pieces. I just have to hold on to the knowledge, my friend, my lover, and her other mate are heading for her. I am going to ensure her best friend makes it out of here, not wanting Shay to feel the guilt she inevitably would if something horrible were to befall her.

“Stay close and keep your eyes open. I don’t know where Mav’s dad is, or who he has down in the basement. One thing I know for sure is he’s going to have his top men guarding each of them,” Miles tells us in a hushed tone as we make our way down the hallway.

I can hear the battle going on outside, but quickly push it from my mind, needing to remain focused on the here and now of the rescue we’re trying to do. Miles holds out his hand behind him as he comes to a screeching halt at the end of the hallway.

Muffled words make their way to us, alerting us someone is near. Miles turns to us, placing his finger to his lips, and makes a shushing noise. Like we were really going to scream out and announce our presence to them.

“Come on, man, we need to get out there, they're killing us. The boss ain’t gonna be happy about this,”a deep husky voice barks out.

“Fuck the boss. Ain’t like we planned this shit. How the hell did they even know he wasn’t here? They can keep trying but they’re never gonna break through the barrier the boss has around us,”a younger sounding voice snipes back in annoyance.

The voices become fainter as they head down the hallway in the opposite direction.How lucky is that?

Miles peeks his head around the corner, motioning for us to follow him as he takes off, keeping out of sight. We all follow, staying one behind each other, constantly watching for a foe to pop out at us. He slows as he comes to a door.

“Okay, this leads down to the basement. But it’s not like one you’ve ever seen before. Hell, it shocked me the first time I saw it and I grew up with Mav, being best friends since before I can remember,” Miles begins telling us.