“But what I couldn’t abide by was her mistreatment of you.”

I blink. That wasn’t something I had been expecting him to say. “You shouldn’t end things because of that. I learned to deal with her a long time ago.”

His eyes darken as he glares at me. “Not the point,” he snarls. “You shouldn't have to deal with her, your parents were meant to protect you, and yours failed you.”

I shrug carelessly. “I have a family, Lucas, and that doesn't include Beth Carter-Greenwood. I left home to escape her, and I have built my life in spite of her maliciousness. I’m proud of who I have become. Beth doesn’t matter to me.”

“So why did you agree to have Christmas dinner with her?” he questions.

“Because of you,” I reply simply. “You gave me an internship, and I’m not stupid, you did it because of who you’re married to. Mom said you wanted me there, I couldn’t turn her down, I couldn’t say no.”

His eyes darken as his jaw grinds. “You should have told her to fuck off.”

I bite my lip to stop the laughter from bubbling out. “That’s not something I would have done, I didn’t know you or how you’d react if I wasn’t there. So I agreed. I can do one dinner, Lucas. No matter how much I hate the woman.” I’m a woman of my word, and there’s no way that I’d not go after promising her I would. A few hours of her bullshit I can put up with, it’s doable as long as I have a lot of alcohol to consume afterwards.

“You know now,” he grunts. “You do not have to go, not after what she’s put you through.”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t need a father, Lucas, I had one of those, and he was just as useless as my mother.”

His lips thin as he glares at me. “I don’t want to be your father,” he snarls.

I raise a brow knowing that I’m taunting him now. “Oh, and what is it that you want to be? I’m not interested in playing happy families.”

“You know damn well what I want, Cassie, and you’re playing a dangerous game. Carry on, and you’ll see where it’ll end up.”

I know I’m playing with fire, but I can’t help it, I want him, and there’s this knot in my stomach at the thought of not being with him again. “What, you’ll push me against a wall, have me right where you want me, to what? Walk away? Sure, whatever you say.”

I go back to my work, letting my words hang between us.


Chapter Four


I’m seated at a long table, listening to a room full of people talk about which one of my three campaigns that they like. I’m in awe and shock. This company knows it’s shit, and they’re considering which one of my three campaigns they want.

Lucas and I arrived almost six hours ago. As soon as we touched down here in Montana, there was a car waiting for us that drove us to the hotel. I’m so grateful that the room that we have is huge, and I’m able to hide in it. There’s no way that we would have been able to share had there only been one bed. But thankfully, the suite we have has two bedrooms off the main room, meaning that both Lucas and I can escape whenever we want to, and we don’t have to be around each other much.

We arrived at Lucan Inc. and were immediately thrusted into this meeting room where Graham’s entire team was eagerly awaiting us. I was thrown in the deep end and was made to give my presentation first. I mumbled through the first slide but managed to gain confidence as I watched the people around me sit up straighter and their faces grow with excitement.

“What if we incorporate all three into one?” Lucas questions loudly over the chatter.

The room goes silent as everyone stares at the gorgeous man that gets to his feet. He’s lost his suit jacket and tie, not to mention his sleeves are folded to his elbow, showcasing his tattoos, something I wouldn’t have expected from him.

“You’ve all agreed that there’s three main components that you love. So why don’t we incorporate it into one campaign?”

I nod, my brain flying into overdrive as I reach for a pencil and flip over my drawing pad and begin to sketch the design that’s coming to life in my mind.

“That's it,” Graham cries an hour later after my rough sketch is done. There’s no colors or anything, just an outline of the design.

A hand lands on my shoulder, and I glance to my left to see it’s Graham’s right-hand man—Eugine. The man’s in his late fifties and has been flirting with me ever since I walked into the room.


“What do you say we go out to celebrate,” he grins at me as he breathes on me.

“I’m sorry,” I reply politely. “I won’t have time. There’s still loads that has to be done.”