“For what?” He sighs as he pushes past me and into my house. “Um excuse you,” I snap. “You’re my boss, that doesn’t give you the right to just storm in here.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” he growls as he steps into my space. “I’ve been calling you for the past hour.”

I gape at the audacity of this man. “It’s seven o’clock in the damn morning, Lucas, why on earth would you be calling me at six?”

“Because there’s been a change in the schedule, we’re leaving at eleven instead of three.”

I blink. He can’t be serious, that doesn’t give me enough time to get everything that I need to do done. “What the hell.”

“So yes, I’ve been calling you for the past hour so that you know the changes to the schedule.”

I run a hand through my hair. “Damn,” I whisper. “I’m sorry, my cell is on silent. I was busy last night, I didn’t want to be disturbed, I must have forgotten to take it off when I went to bed at three.”

His eyes narrow, and the electric green orbs darken. “What. The. Fuck.” he snarls as he stalks toward me, pushing me back against the wall. “I give you an important task, and instead of doing it, you’re out with God knows who doing fuck knows what.”

I press my hands against his chest and instantly regret it. He’s a solid mass of muscles, his heart is pounding beneath my fingers. “I was working on the ad campaign, not that it’s any of your damn business what I do in my own personal time.”

His lips slam down against mine, and I’m completely shocked. I have to be dreaming, there’s no way that this is happening.

His hand slides into my hair, and he tugs on it slightly, causing enough pain that I cry out, he swallows my cry and slides his tongue into my mouth. My body is burning, it’s like an inferno. I sag against him, giving into the kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back with just as much lust as he’s giving me.

We shouldn’t be doing this, he’s my stepfather, this is taboo, this is wrong. But damn, I can’t hold back, I want this man.

I moan as his hands slide up my thighs until he cups my ass.

“Fuck,” he exclaims as he tears away from me.

I’m panting, my body humming with something I can’t explain, never have I reacted like this to being kissed.

“God, Cassie,” he growls. “That shouldn’t have happened.”

Pain slices through me at his rejection, but I nod. “I completely understand. Emotions are running high. It’s okay.”

He shakes his head as he cages me against the wall, his hands either side of me. “That, little girl, is where you’re wrong. It shouldn’t have happened because I’m married to your mother, even though the divorce is impending. You’re too young, too fucking sweet for a man like me. But Christ, I want you, fuck, if I didn’t have a conscience, I’d have had you up against the wall with my cock so far inside of you, you wouldn’t be able to walk straight.”

My breathing deepens at his words. Never have I felt so sexy or wanted in my life, but he’s right, he’s married to my mom, and I can’t do this.

I straighten up and take a deep breath. “My campaign concepts are on the table, there’s fresh coffee in the pot, I’m going to get ready. I won’t be long.”

He hesitates from moving away from me, his expression is blank, and he finally takes a step back and I’m able to slide past him and walk down the hall to my bedroom. The second that my door closes, I sink to my knees, my hand clasping my throat as I suck in some deep breaths.

I’m screwed. So utterly screwed. I’m going away with this man for over a week, how am I supposed to keep my distance?

* * *

“These concepts that you’ve done are brilliant, not to mention the ones that you did for Roger Bright. You have an amazing talent, one that’ll go far. I think that Graham will be pleased with what you have.”

I turn so that I’m facing him. We’re currently on Lucas’ company jet on the way to Montana, we haven’t spoken about the kiss. When I came out of my bedroom, he rose to his feet, shoved a to-go cup of coffee in my hand, and we left. He had my designs and everything else packed up and placed in his car. Arriving at work, I was left to my own devices so I managed to get some of the concepts written up, and I’m currently making a slideshow for each of them while we’re traveling. But not once did Lucas speak to me.

“Thank you,” I reply politely, I’m a little off kilter, unsure what’s going to happen between us. I want him, even sitting opposite each other the attraction sizzles between us. He’s acting as though nothing happened between us, and I guess that's something that I have to do too.

“When we arrive, it’s going to be chaotic, we’re going to be working grueling hours to ensure that Graham has his campaign ready before Christmas. What happened won’t happen again,” he tells me as I’m typing away on the laptop. “I assure you that it won’t.”

I want to tell him that’s not what I want, but I don't dare. “So you and mom are getting a divorce?” I ask him, changing the subject away from the kiss.

He nods. “Yes, I do not love your mother. I’m not a man that’s capable of that emotion, but I was under the impression that your mother was someone that she isn’t.”

I nod, understanding what he means. Since my father left her, my mother has turned into a social chameleon, she’s able to adapt to people around her, giving them someone they want. She’s damn good at it and has fooled countless people.