Chapter One


“Cassie,” my mom begins as soon as I answer the phone. Instantly I’m on edge, this woman is the devil incarnate, and she solely reserves to spew her venom for me. “I expect you to be here for Christmas day,” she hisses. “You missed Thanksgiving, and you know damn well I needed you here.”

The moment I was born, I was an inconvenience to her, one that she’s never let me forget. Growing up, I was ashamed, I always had raggedy clothes that weren’t washed or cleaned, I was starved for food, attention, and love. I’ve always known that I wasn’t wanted—a mistake for both of my parents, and if they could have, they would have terminated the pregnancy, hell, they would have terminated me if they didn’t get benefits from the government. I was their cash cow, so to speak—my life was horrible and I hated every second of it. That was until I met a cute little girl called Becky, and my life changed for the better.

“Are you listening to me, bitch?” her nasally voice whines.

“Mom, I heard you, I just don’t understand why you want me to come home for Christmas, we haven’t spent the last ten together, so why now?”

I have a feeling that she’s up to something, and I can’t for the life of me figure out what. I stopped letting her use me as a pawn a long time ago. It’s something I’ll never let happen again.

“You know that I got married,” she cries dramatically. “I want you here, Cassie, so does Lucas.”

My gut churns at her words. Lucas Greenwood, my new boss—the man that holds the key to me entering the workplace once I leave college with a good job, or if I’ll end up flipping burgers for a living.

“I know, mom, but yet again, I don’t understand why you want me there.”

My parents split almost three years ago, and I for one, am glad that they did. Together they were toxic, and living with them was even more so. My dad was busted for narcotics possession and ended up serving sixty days. He got sober in those sixty days and seemed to have had an epiphany about his life. Of course, that doesn’t include what he did to me. The man seems to have found a new reason for life and I’m okay with that. I was never a priority, and it’s something that I have come to terms with.

“Lucas wants you here, Cassie, he wants a family Christmas.”

It makes perfect sense as to why she wants me home. She wants to play pretend with my new daddy dearest.

“What’s in it for me?” I ask her, I’m no longer that naive young girl who thought that one day her parents would wake up and realize that they loved me and we’d be one big happy family. No, I stopped believing in that a long time ago. I also learned that blood isn’t thicker than water, and my new family has welcomed me with open arms and cheered on my successes along with crying with my heartbreak. Without the Absyth’s, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Meeting Becky in Kindergarten, I found a home. A family. People that love me.

“You bitch,” she hisses. “You’re lucky that you’re in college, if you don’t come home, I’ll have your payments canceled.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Damn, Beth, you’re still the same, aren’t you. Are you still on the Mary Jane? It’s addled your brain. You haven’t paid for anything for me since the day I was born. Hell, you’ve done nothing for me.”

“Christ,” she hisses. “What do you want?”

Hmm, now that’s a question.

“I’ll return home,” I say, knowing that if I didn’t, things would be awkward with Lucas at my new job, especially as I’ll be in my hometown anyway. “But you say one thing out of line, and I’m gone. How would your dear new hubby react to finding out the real truth as to why I never come home? Better yet, how will he react when he finds out that you’re a drug addict?”

“Recovering,” she spits, and I’m unsure if she’s trying to convince herself or me. I stopped believing her years ago. I’m a firm believer in seeing it before believing it and that’s especially true for my mother.

“Sure, you are. But you have your terms. You agree with them, and I’ll be home for Christmas.”

I know that I’m not leaving her with a choice. She either does as I say, or I don’t have Christmas with her and her new husband.

“Fine,” she grunts. “I expect you to be here and none of your shit, Cassie, you say one word to Lucas about anything, and you’ll regret it.”

“Oh, believe me, Beth, I’m already regretting this.” I end the call and wonder why the hell I have agreed to this, why I’m putting myself through the pain of having to live with this woman for a day let alone a freaking week.

“That sounded bad,” my best friend Becky says, standing in my doorway. “But I’m proud of you. You have grown so much since being away from home that you’re able to put the distance that was so much needed between the two of you. You’ve grown into an amazing woman, Cass, and I’m so freaking proud of you.”

My eyes water at her words. Damn, I love this girl, she’s my sister in my heart. Without Becky and her family, I wouldn’t be able to put myself through college. They not only gave me a safe haven growing up, but also during college. Her parents bought Becky a home here and have let me stay here rent free so I’ve been able to work and pay off my debt while also squirreling some away in case of an emergency.

“I meant what I said, Becky, one word, and I’m gone.”

She grins. “Atta girl. You need a place to stay, you know you’re always welcome at ours.” She glances around the bedroom. “I see you’re packed, are you ready for this internship?”

I shrug. There’s not much I can do about it. Working for Greenwood Inc is an amazing opportunity, and I know that it’s due to who he is to me—my new stepfather—the CEO of the company, I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity and ensure that I work my ass off so that when the time comes, I’m able to stand on my own two feet and people will know that I earned the job because of my skill and work ethic not who my mother is currently shacked up with.

“It’ll be fine,” I assure her. “Once I’m there, I’ll be so busy that I won’t have time to think.”