Her pupils dilate at the words, then she says them back to me and my heart melts.

“I love you, Kieren.”

We keep our eyes locked for a long moment. The love flowing between us is a soothing balm to my soul.

I feel the darkness receding just by being in the presence on this woman. And I marvel at the power of love.

I make a silent pledge that I will step up for Jodie and Layla. I’ll be the man they need me to be, whatever it takes.

Jodie’s hips move against me, and my cock gives an aching tug, reminding me of his needs.

I don’t want the start of our life together to be consummated against a wall, no matter how much she grinds against me.

“Come with me.”

Taking her hand, I lead Jodie into the bedroom and push her gently onto the satin sheets. She starts wiggling out of her leggings, but I stop her hands.

“I want to unwrap you.”

I want to unwrap her every single day of my life. She’s the perfect gift. My heart knows it and my body knows it, judging by the precum that seeps out as soon as my hands touch her silky thighs.

I try to go slow. But help me, God. It’s hard when you’ve got a goddess before you.

I start gently, tugging her clothes of, but as every section of pale skin is exposed, each delicate sliver of her flesh sends a new heat coursing through me, causing my dick to throb and my heart to drum so hard I think my chest is going to burst open.

By the time we’re naked, I’m like a wild animal possessed, nipping and sucking her gorgeous body, responding to her moans as I touch and lick and suck every inch of her.

When my tongue reaches her sex, Jodie arches her back, a desperate mewl escaping her lips. I nearly lose it right then and there. She’s fucking perfect, and I never want her to stop making those noises.

Perspiration gathers in her naval, and I run my hands over her slick body, giving her all the attention she needs as my mouth works her core.

“Kieren…” she cries out as she comes, her orgasm shooting her juice into my mouth. It’s the sweetest nectar I’ve ever tasted.

Licking her juices off my lips, I sit back and watch this beauty panting and writhing for more.

Her eyes are hooded as I slide my dick between her swollen pussy folds. I need to be inside her. I need it so bad.

“Kieren…” She’s panting as she sits up on her elbows. “The first time that weekend… I was a virgin.”

Ah shit. She trusted me enough to let me take her cherry and then I wasn’t around when she needed me. A surge of regret shakes through me. Regret for the wasted months when we weren’t together. Regret for all the ways I let her down by not being there.

“I’m so sorry, baby.”

Jodie sits up and runs a hand up my arm.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. This is a new start. This is the start of us.”

Her hands strokes my arm, moving to my navel and the length of my shaft.

“I haven’t been with anyone else since, and I never will. I’m yours, Kieren. I’ve only ever been yours.”

She takes my shaft in both hands and guides me to the opening of her channel, and willingly, I go.

“I’m all yours, Kieren.” She moans the words as my cock parts her swollen lips.

“And I’m yours.”

Our gaze finds each other as I slowly thrust into her. Her eyes widen, but she keeps them locked on mine. And in that look, so much passes between us. I feel the connection, the love, the hope. This really is a new start, and this time, I won’t let her down.