“But I know why you said it. I just want to meet my daughter.”

He looks so sincere that I feel my defenses crumbling. What can it hurt for him to come in for coffee and spend some time with Layla? Whatever happens between us, he has rights as her father.

I open the door, and he follows me into the living room. Baby toys are scattered everywhere, and the smell of her nighttime diaper hangs in the air.

Kieren’s nose wrinkles up at the smell, making me chuckle. “Welcome to parenthood.”

I put Layla down on one of her play rugs, and she rolls onto her tummy, trying to pull herself up. She’s so close to crawling. I know it’ll happen any day soon.

“You want some coffee?”

The kitchen’s connected to the living room, and I leave the two of them to get acquainted while I make the coffee.

My emotions are churning inside me as I watch him wiggle toys in front of her. Just watching him with Layla, his wonderous look, shows me what a good dad he could be.

I bring the hot drinks through and set them on the coffee table. Kieren sits next to me on the couch, leaving Layla wriggling on her playmat. She’s shaking a rattle and laughing at the way the colored baubles inside move about.

“Jodie…” Kieren turns to face me and takes my hands in his. The warmth feels so good, so comforting. This time, I don’t pull away.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, that you had to do this alone.”

His voice is heavy with regret and pain, and the words wear away at the hard layer around my heart.

“But you’re not alone anymore. I’ll be here in whatever way you need me to be. As a father, as your man. Hopefully both. Whatever you need from me.”

The words are nice to hear, but does he really know what he’s getting into?

“You’re not freaked out by being an instant dad?

He looks at Layla, and she gurgles a smile at him.

“No way. It’s the best news I’ve had. I want to take care of you both, look after you.”

I love what he’s saying, but I have to be sure.

“Are you sure, Kieren? Because I can’t have you in and out of my life. I need to put Layla first, and I need to know that if you’re gonna be my man, you’re not going to come and go.”

His expression never leaves mine as he slides off the couch and onto one knee.

“If this is what it takes to show you how serious I am, then I’ll do it.”

My heart leaps to my throat. He can’t possibly be doing what I think he’s doing.

“You can’t be serious?”

“I’ve never been more serious in my life. You’re all I’ve thought about since the moment I met you. You kept me sane in the dark times. You’re the light that guided me out of the darkness. I love you, Jodie, and I’ll love you and look after you and our children for the rest of my days. Will you marry me, Jodie?”

His hands are warm in mine, and as I look into his eyes, I feel the truth of his words.

I was so scared he wouldn’t want us, but the opposite is true. He wants me and Layla. He wants the whole package.

My heart melts, the final barrier sliding away. My chest opens, and I feel lighter than I have in months, lighter than I have since that perfect weekend together.

“Yes.” I don’t even have to think about it. The words slip out. “Yes, yes, yes. I’ll marry you.”

Kieren grabs me around the waist, and I pull him onto me and then we’re rolling on the couch as he plants kisses all over me.

“I love you, Jodie.”