Touching my fingers to my nose, I breathe in deeply, and there it is. It’s faint but still there—the musky scent of Jodie.

Seeing her lost in ecstasy and feeling her writhing on my hand made my balls pull up so tight I thought I was going to come in my pants.

Then when she told me I was nothing to her, I was devastated. Until I realized it’s not true. It can’t be true.

I saw the way she looked at me, the need in her eyes. It wasn’t just for a release. I knew it when she mewled my name. It’s me she needs, only me, even if she can’t admit it yet.

Something’s holding her back, something big.

Whatever it is, I can deal with it. I can support her in any way she needs.

Which is why I’m waiting for her when she starts her shift the next day.

I watch her get out of her beat-up car through the kitchen window. That thing can’t be safe on the road. The first thing we’re doing is getting her a new car.

She struggles getting her cleaning gear out of the trunk, and I scramble to help her. By the time I’ve gotten into the parking lot, she’s hauling her cleaning bucket to the door.

“Let me help you with that.”

I take the bucket from her, and she mutters a thanks.

But before we go inside, I turn and block the door.

“Jodie. I don’t know what it is that’s happened and why you keep pushing me away….”

She folds her arms, giving me a hard look. Any other man would probably take the hint, but I’ve waited too long for this. I’m not giving up without a fight.

“Whatever it is, we can face it together.”

She gives a snort and looks away. I get the feeling that I’ve let her down in some way, but I don’t know how. She’s the one that left with only a note. If anything, I should be mad, but I’m not.

“If you’re struggling….”—I indicate her car—“I can help. You don’t have to worry about money again. You don’t have to clean for a job. I’ll take care of you. I’ll buy you any car you want.”

I mean it. I’ll look after this woman for the rest of my days. I’ll give her everything she needs.

When she looks back at me, her eyes are fiery, and I have an uneasy feeling I’ve said the wrong thing.

“You want to buy me now? And what do you expect in return?”

Ah shit. I definitely said the wrong thing. “That’s not what I meant…”

But the damage is done. I don’t know how I’m doing it, but every time I see this woman, instead of winning her over, I just make it worse.

“I just mean that I’m here for you, whatever you need.”

“You gave me what I needed yesterday, Kieren.”

The words sting. I guess that’s what she wanted.

I stand aside and let her into the building, wondering how the hell I’ve managed to fuck it up so bad.

A car door slamming draws my attention to Seth crossing the parking lot. He’s got a rueful look on his face like he knows exactly what’s just gone on.

“I can look into it, buddy, find out what’s going on with her. Then you’ll know what it is, and you can stop being such a fuck-up.”

It’s tempting. But I won’t do it to Jodie.