Page 57 of The Roommate Route

Me: Try me.

Hadley: Sometimes, I get this itch to do something crazy or reckless. Something impulsive. Public speaking makes it worse. I always leave class ready to sign up to go bungee jumping.

Me: Maybe that’s why you get off with the pranks, Cutlass.

Hadley: Speaking of pranks, do you really think this is fair? You Saran wrapped my car. I can’t even retaliate right now because you don’t live here. I have zero access to you.

Me: Could you tell it was wrapped before you got close enough to open your door? Also, you have full access to me. You just have to ask.

Hadley: It looked like my car got thrown up on by single-use plastic. Jason Momoa would kick your ass.

Me: You can reuse it.

Hadley: To wrap you in.

Me: What part of me?

I grin, knowing as the pause stretches that I’ve caught her off guard again.

She sends me a gif of a woman rolling a man in a rug.

I belt out a laugh.

Me: I’d like to see you lift me.

Hadley: I only have to roll you.

I snicker, then release a groan, imagining rolling her. Naked. The thought joins a limitless reel of sexual thoughts I’ve had about her over the past two weeks that have been multiplying since Saturday night when I kissed her.

I’ve thought about that kiss, the taste of her, the gentle moan she made, and the softness of her skin more times than I can count. Never did I expect Lenny to shove me out the door with Janelle, making me look like an absolute ass hat in Hadley’s eyes.

The ring of jealousy in her words plays through my mind. I consider telling Hadley that I didn’t even ride home with Janelle. Colin, Ethan’s friend, was getting into his car, and I’d bummed a ride off him, to prevent what I knew would be an awkward turn of events if I had ridden with her.

Me: You’d probably have more fun if I rolled you.

Hadley: Until you dropped me down a mountain.

Me: You have trust issues.

Hadley: I wonder when those started?

Me: Besides bungee jumping, what else would help you scratch that itch? I’m not allowed to bungee jump. I had to sign a waiver.

Hadley: Seriously?

Me: You’d be amazed how much they own me.

Hadley: Is that why you want to move out?

Me: One of the reasons.

Hadley: There are more?

Me: My roommate snores. He sounds like a fucking helicopter with a broken rotor.

Hadley: And yet you take your pranks out on me?!

Me: He’s a soccer player.