Page 52 of The Roommate Route

“Won’t you be busy with football and classes and Janelle?” I didn’t mean to add her name. Never intended to sound jealous or confrontational, but the question is out of my mouth before I can sensor it.

“Janelle is not what you think. Pops and Lenny were making stupid jokes. I didn’t sleep with her or touch her.”

His confirmation fills me with a relief I didn’t know I needed until hearing it—like some of the weight on my shoulders has already been lifted.

“What about football and classes?”

“Text me your schedule. We’ll find some time.”

“And if we can’t?”

“Then we’ll make time.”



Katie: The answer’s still no.

Palmer sniggers as he reads the text over my shoulder. “You might as well pick up your shit and move back into the dorms.”

It’s been four days since the party and Katie’s feelings haven’t thawed at all.

I don’t voice my doubts that he’s right because our bus pulls up at the airport, straight on the tarmac in front of the private jet that our team takes when flying to away games.

My phone buzzes again as I climb the stairs up to the aircraft and I see Hadley’s name. I sent her a text an hour ago asking for her weekend plans.

Hadley: I have to keep practicing my introduction speech and prepare an informative speech b/c once I pass the first speech, I have to prepare to present the second one.

Me: What are you going to teach the class? How to set up a trip wire?

Hadley: That’s top-secret information.

Me: What other top-secret information are you planning to share with me?

The dots beside her name flash, then disappear. I take a seat near the front, setting my bag under the chair in front of me. My phone vibrates with another text as I clip my seat belt.

Hadley: That’s the only piece of top-secret information I have to trade.

Me: Why’d you choose Camden?

Hadley: That’s not top-secret, simply irrelevant.

Me: I think I should be the judge of that.

Hadley: How many times have you used that line?

Me: Zero.

Hadley: Are you heading to practice?

I reach my arm out and take a picture of me smiling while Palmer sticks his tongue out behind me. I send her the photo.

Hadley: I thought your game wasn’t until Friday?

Me: It is. We generally travel a day early to Florida.

Hadley: Because of the time zone change that doesn’t happen?