Page 41 of The Roommate Route

Janelle’s gorgeous, she might even have a good personality, but she’s the last thing on my mind currently. I glance at Hadley to gauge her reaction, expecting a questionable look or joke that will force me to make an assurance about my lack of interest in Janelle, but she’s looking toward the stairs.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

Hadley turns to me, looking almost surprised by the question. She nods. “I’m wondering if I should check on Hannah.”

Palmer and Sadie drift toward the living room, him visibly working to calm her down or assure her as Hudson and the others approach us.

“What was that about?” Hudson asks.

Grey lifts a shoulder. “She wants to marry Palmer. Nolan fucked it up and gave him an easy out. I was waiting to hear his excuse.”

“Oh lord,” Mila says. “Let’s hope this one is as short as his last train wreck.”

Evelyn shakes her head, a smile growing as she sets eyes on Hadley. “It’s good to see you again.”

Before Hadley can respond, Lenny approaches us, holding a half dozen cups in his hands, sloshing beer across the floor. “I set the keg up out front, so we don’t make a mess inside.”

“You’re making a mess,” Mila points out.

Lenny chuckles. “This is nothing.” He hands me one of the cups, then stops on Hadley. “Hadley, my phone still isn’t working.”

Evelyn chuckles. Hudson shakes his head. Grey reaches for a beer.

Lenny beams. “Take a beery, Hadley. We’re celebrating tonight!”

Hadley accepts the beer he pushes toward her. “I’m going to check on my friend, but happy celebrating. Don’t spill on the couches or the rug.” She lifts her glass in a toast and turns to where Hannah has appeared at the bottom of the stairs, still looking as nervous as a stray cat.

“To one hell of a game!” Lenny raises his cup.

Those of us who took a beer, follow suit. “To one hell of a game,” we chorus.

I finish four beers before Ethan arrives with two sophomores, Sam and Colin, from the team flanking him. I’ve been avoiding Janelle and trying to recall all the reasons I should be avoiding Hadley. Those reasons shatter now that I have a legitimate excuse.

The party has grown. I stopped turning people away and caring after my third beer, realizing this is what I need. I’m so damn tired of people—including Katie—telling me what I’m allowed to do, what I should be doing. Now, the house is so crowded, it’s difficult to find anyone aside from Hadley, who my attention shifts to periodically.

“Hey,” I say, approaching Ethan.

He looks caught off guard and mildly shocked, looking over both shoulders to confirm I’m talking to him. With over a hundred guys on our team, we tend to stick with others who play our same positions or those we consistently practice and play with. I’ve never spent more than a few minutes with Ethan, and those have been with other guys from the team.

“Thanks for inviting us,” Colin says. He’s a tight end like Lenny, fast, but with how damn good Lenny is, likely won’t see minutes until Lenny is drafted or graduates.

I nod. “There’s beer outside, and…” my words trail off as a guy wearing a leather jacket, stands across from Hadley, looking at her with a level of interest that distracts me from Hannah and Ethan and whatever brought me over here. “Glad you guys made it,” I break away, weaving through the crowds until I’m next to Hadley.

“Hey,” I say, offering my hand to the guy in front of her.

The guy is reluctant to turn his attention from Hadley but finally does. “Hey.” He shakes my hand.

“I’m Nolan,” I tell him, not having a valid excuse to be here aside from the jealousy that’s streaming through my veins.

“Luke,” he says, raising a half-filled glass at me.

Hadley leans closer to me. “I was looking for you,” she says, giving me a silent look that asks me to play along.

And play along, I do. I close the gap between our hips, standing beside her as I set my hand on her lower back. A small window of skin peeks out under the hem of her shirt, cool against my pinkie finger. I swipe my ring finger and pinkie across the smooth, coolness of her skin once. Twice. Three times. I don't hear her sharp intake of breath, Ifeelit.

Luke takes a drink of his beer, reading the situation before he tips his chin and heads away.

Hadley remains frozen beside me.