Page 139 of The Roommate Route

“I told Hannah and Hadley that if they were ever uncomfortable with you staying here, I’d ask you to leave.” It’s an ambiguous answer.

“I just need to talk to her.”

Katie shakes her head. “She’ll be glad you’re okay, but she made it clear she doesn’t want to talk to you right now, and honestly, I don’t want to, either. Get your stuff and leave.”

“I don’t even have my truck.”

Katie scoffs. “Of course, you don’t. Go back to the dorm. Text me when you can get your things and I’ll make sure I’m here so you can get all your belongings out.”

I know Katie’s too mad and I’m too sick to discuss my staying here, besides it doesn’t even matter at this point. Right now, all I can think about is how badly I fucked things up with Hadley.

“Can you please tell Hadley that I’m sorry and that I didn’t mean to hurt her? I was selfish and stupid, and I wasn’t thinking.”

“Obviously,” Katie retorts.

“Katie, I know you don’t believe me, but I love her. I can’t just walk away from this—from her.”

“That’s the thing, I did believe you. I honestly thought you did love her, but your actions this weekend spoke way louder than your sorry apology.”

“I lost my entire future. Can’t you give me just a fraction of understanding?”

“Whose fault is that?”

Anger is my immediate default, and for a second I want to lash out at Katie like she’s lashing out at me, but I know that won’t make things any better, not between us and not between Hadley and me.

“I’m sorry.” I leave without another word, feeling Hudson’s stare.

“How’d it go?”

I buckle my seat belt. “It’s over.”

“What is?”




Katie: He’s okay.

Irelease a sigh that has my shoulders sinking several inches. “He’s okay,” I relay to Evelyn as we sit across from each other at The Spiced Chai for our Monday lunch.

Me: Where was he?

Katie: I don’t know. I didn’t ask.

I wish she had. I want to know where he’s been and why because the relief has my anger melting away faster than the frost on my windshield this morning.

“I just got a voice message from Hudson,” Evelyn says, putting her phone to her ear.

Me: Is he okay?

Katie: He’s fine.

I nearly shriek with frustration. Fine is the vaguest of vague responses she could give me right now.

“Hudson says they found him at Lenny’s. They were both passed out and didn’t even know what day it was.”