Page 109 of The Roommate Route

“Focus,” I snap.

Palmer nods.

“I’ll take the living room, Nolan, you take the kitchen, Palmer, you go down the hall and backyard,” Grey divides us like a tactical team, like we’re on the field with a known defender.

I give a quick nod and head off in the opposite direction, searching through the maze of faces that are covered in makeup and masks for Hadley.

Fear clings to me like a cornerback as I make it to the back porch, and spot Palmer, waving me down. My gaze snaps to Hadley and then Hannah and Ethan, Sam at his side. They’re laughing. All of them.

I cut through the crow, stopping in front of them.

“There you are,” Hadley says. “I’ve been looking all over for you.” Her demeanor changes, a seductive smile spreading across her full lips. “Do you like my tail?” She turns to show me the back of her costume. She looks like a sex kitten.

Palmer chokes on the laughter he’s trying to keep back.

“I’m starved,” Ethan says. “You know what sounds really good? That apple crumble you made a couple of weeks ago.” He looks at Hadley. “Crum-ble.Crumb-ble.”

“Peters will lose his shit if he finds out,” Palmer says.

“I’ll get these two home. Can you get them back to the dorms? Do you know what room they’re in?”

“Hudson will know,” Grey says.

I shake my head. “Hudson will be pissed. Plus, he’s with Evelyn. Put them in my room. The key’s in my truck.”

“I want tacos. So many tacos. All the tacos,” Hannah says, turning to Hadley. “Have you found the best taco recipe yet?”

Hadley smiles blissfully. “No, but I should. “Mac N’ cheese, garlic bread, and tacos.” She turns to me. “Do you like tacos? Tell me you like tacos. This could be a make-or-break moment.”

“You guys are going to have such beautiful kids one day,” Hannah says, looking between Hadley and me.

Grey shakes his head. “You’re going to have your hands full tonight.”

“Let’s go get some tacos,” I tell the girls, setting a hand on Hadley’s shoulder.

The girls laugh and walk too slowly, their attentions being pulled by every laugh and loud noise. When we make it outside, Corey hops out of his truck to help me get them down the stairs and into my truck while Palmer less gently prods Ethan forward, and Grey mutters threats to Sam.

“Let us know if you need help,” Corey says as Hannah starts belting out song lyrics in the backseat of my truck.

“Is now too soon to call?” I ask.

Corey grins. “Good luck.”

We arrive at the house with two bags of take-out twenty minutes later.

“I think she’s asleep,” Hadley says, reaching back to poke Hannah,

I open the back passenger door, realizing, sure enough, Hannah’s passed out, her cat ears lopsided.

I free her seat belt and heft her into my arms. “Can you carry your tacos inside, Cutlass?”

“On it.” She salutes me, making me think of Grey.

Hannah is dead weight as I carry her inside and up the stairs to her bedroom with Hadley behind me, whispering in a voice too loud to constitute a whisper. I set Hannah in her bed and Hadley removes her shoes and headband before covering her with blankets.

“I’m going to go for a walk,” Hadley says.
