Page 3 of Incomplete

Tilly moved her salad around her plate. She was happy to get Candice’s text about lunch because even three days after the exterminator had been to the house, the distinct smell of bug killer lingered.

Her eyes strayed to the brownie Candice was eating. Her best friend was five three and a hundred pounds despite what she ate. She never worked out, didn’t think about carbs or sugars, and she still looked amazing. Tilly just had to look at food. In fact, she was pretty sure her thighs were getting bigger watching Candice.

“Are you sure you don’t want some?” Candice offered, holding out the brownie.

She did, but it wasn’t her cheat day. “I’m good.” Her salad tasted like sawdust though, so she pushed the plate away and reached for her iced tea. Her phone buzzed, and reaching for it she saw a text from Luke. Not surprising, he was going to be late… again.

Candice took another bite of brownie and talked around it. “Let me guess. Luke won’t be home for dinner.”

Tilly replied to Luke then dropped her phone in her purse. “Yep.”

Moving closer, Candice dropped her voice and asked, “When was the last time you two had sex?”

It had been so long Tilly couldn’t remember. “Two months, maybe three.”

“Shit. I’m getting more than you, and I’m not even married.” Candice reached for her Coke, studying her friend. “Don’t you have needs?”

Tilly tried to brush off Candice’s question, but inside she wasn’t feeling so cavalier. She did have needs. How didn’t her husband? Or did he? And if he did, it wasn’t in their bed he found satisfaction. It wasn’t a thought she dwelled on. And the fact that she didn’t dwell on it, didn’t get downright pissed, was a problem in and of itself. “I have toys, and I’m becoming rather creative with them too.” Lowering her voice she shared, “Bought those panties with the remote. I thought Luke and I could have some fun, a night out, build up the anticipation.” She wanted spontaneity, wanted Luke to want her so badly that he couldn’t wait to have her, fucking her against the wall or bent over the sofa, but he was always working. “We never used them, but I wore them one day…” Tilly grinned at the memory. “Never had so much fun cleaning the house.”

Candice threw her head back and laughed but sobered and asked, “Have you talked to him?”

“When am I supposed to do that? He’s never home and when he is, he’s sleeping or spending some rare time with the kids. I don’t think it’s good timing telling him I’m lonely and horny when he’s actually acting like a father.”

“But, Tilly, you don’t leave the house much. Your life revolves around your family. What about you?”

Tilly looked down at the table, playing with a scratch on it. It was a good question. She was usually so busy there wasn’t time to think about where she was in her life. It sure wasn’t what she imagined as a kid or even a very young newlywed. But that was life. It rarely turned out the way you wanted, but you made the most of what you had. Her life could be worse. She knew from personal experience. A child of divorce, falling through the cracks of her parents’ dysfunctional marriage. Luke wasn’t around, but he was a good man. He could be a more attentive one to her and the kids, but he was a good man. “I’m alright. I have the kids to keep me busy, the house.”

“You won’t always.”

She wouldn’t, but she’d cross that bridge when she got to it.

Candice wiped her hands on her lap before she picked up her phone, swiping the screen. Changing the subject she asked, “Did you play that game I told you about?”

It took Tilly a second to catch up. “No. What game was it?”

“Friendly Words. It’s a word game, you love that shit, and what’s fun about this game is that you can play with other people,” Candice said and continued, “You can even select to play with people who are local, if you want.” Candice knocked her shoulder into Tilly’s. “Who knows, maybe you’ll make a few friends.”

That comment rubbed Tilly the wrong way. Was spending time with Candice, as little time as they did, becoming a problem for her? Was she cramping Candice’s style? Tilly didn’t call her on the comment; she, instead, shifted her thoughts.

She rarely used social media, only posting updates on Open Book about her kids’ accomplishments. Games on her phone, never, but she humored Candice and pulled her phone out, found the app and downloaded it.

She turned her phone to Candice to show her the app. “Okay?”

“Try it.” Candice said. “I think you’ll have fun. It’s distracting. You’ll get sucked in.”


Gage started down the driveway of a customer’s house, his eyes roaming the yard they had just finished when he saw Dom with his head down, looking at his phone.

“Fuck.” Dom grated out, violently tapped at the screen and shoved his cell in his pocket.

Gage lifted his chin toward Dom, “What’s that about?”

“Damn game.” Dom kicked a rock like someone just took his candy away. “I keep losing to my sister. And you know that bitch will keep at me, teasing me.”

Gage chuckled because he knew Dom’s sister and she would proudly roast him on anything. Arty had just gotten done blowing the fresh cut grass off the sidewalk when he walked over. “You play that word game too?”

Dom’s expression changed with excitement. “Yeah, you too?”