Page 100 of Just Me

“Ohmy God,” the teenager belly-slid to the end of the dock and grabbed Hunter from my aching arms as a wicked cramp stole my breath. I went under.

“Lark!” I heard her scream as I struggled for the surface, but I wasn't a great swimmer so I wasn't able to keep my head above the water, which was mind numbingly cold. I heard my name screamed again, but this time in a deeper voice, just before I lost the struggle.

When I came to, I opened my eyes to see the bright blue sky around Logan’ssilhouette. He was not only wet, he looked positively terrified.


My throat felt raw and the taste of salt water saturated my tongue. “Hunter?” I croaked.

“He's fine. Jesus he's fine.”Logan dropped his head as his shoulders started to shake. My arms felt like rubber bands as I lifted one and reached for Logan. He immediately gripped my fingers in a nearly painful hold.

“I thought I lost you after just finding you.”

He lifted me into his arms and carried me to the house. Hunter was still crying, the babysitter was now crying and my head was starting to hurt. Saffron came home just then, calling cheerfully as she entered until she heard Hunter crying and saw Logan carrying me, both of us drenched.

“What happened?”

“Saffron, I need you to help Lark get a warm shower and into some dry clothes while I get something hot for her to drink.” I saw the questions in her eyes, but she didn't hesitate to drop her things and follow after us.

Logan carried me into the bathroom and lowered me onto the seat of the toilet. “How are you feeling, Lark?”

“I'm fine, just tired.”

He knelt down next to me and looked deeply into my eyes, “You and I need to talk, but not right now.” He brushed a kiss on my forehead.

“There aren't words for what you did, thank you isn't nearly good enough.” Hewhispered.“You saved my son's life and almost died in the process.”

Saffron gasped. Logan pressed another kiss on my forehead before he stood and kissed Saffron lightly on the lips. His eyes held hers for a minute and there was definitely some nonverbal communication going on before he turned and left. Saffron just looked at the empty doorway a moment before she hugged me hard. She kissed both of my cheeks, and looked me right in the eyes with tears in hers. “I owe you a life debt. I've got your back. Whenever you need me, just say.”

“I'm Han Solo and you're Chewbacca.”

A look passed over her face and though she still battled shock, and lingering fear, a little smile touched her lips.


After my shower, Hunter wouldn't stop crying even when Saffron took him. He wouldn't settle until I held him at which point he calmed down, even slept for a bit. Did he know who I was to him or was it just his need to seek comfort after such an ordeal? We were now bundled on the sofa with Hunter drinking warm milk and eating cookies. At the moment, sleep was the furthest thing from his mind as he shoved another hunk of cookie into his mouth.

I heard the front door and looked up as Bastian came running into the living room. He looked frantic until he saw me. I watched as relief loosened his shoulders. He walked over and hunched down in front of Hunter and me.

“Jesus, when I got Logan's call, I think Broderick broke every law of the road to get here and still it wasn't fast enough. Are you okay?”

“I am, I'm just tired.”

“I'd ask how he is but he looks fine.” Hunter gave him a chocolate-toothed grin.

“Yep.” I said.

“You saved his life, Lark.”

“I know. It was just awful.” I couldn't help the tears just thinking about it. If I hadn't looked out the window…ohmy God. I held Hunter even tighter, and he responded by whining in protest, so I let up but just by a little.

Bastian wiped the tears from my eyes. “He's fine and so are you, thank Christ.”

That quickly, his fear turned to anger and he stood. “I'll be right back.”

What was he up to?

About fifteen minutes later, I heard raised voices and, since Hunter was dozing again, I cuddled him on the sofa and placed a pillow to keep him from falling off before I made my way into the kitchen. Saffron stood by the refrigerator wringing her hands and Broderick looked back and forth between Logan and Bastian. But it was Bastian standing toe-to-toe with Logan that got my full attention. He was stupendously pissed.