The following morning I woke up early and packed a bag for my week-long sleepover at Poppy's. Grabbing my laptop, I headed downstairs to find the girls eating with Uncle Eddie.
“Have fun this week,” I said, but Uncle Eddie’s comment stopped me as I started for the door.
“Are you sure you won't join us? I realize you're a senior, but this could be the last time we can vacation as a family.”
My heart stopped as I turned to him.Didn't want to join them?If he only knew.I heard my aunt’s footfalls down the hall, probably coming in a mad dash to keep me from revealing the true reason for my exclusion. Not that I intended to correct his assumption, because I had no desire to go where I wasn't wanted.
“I've a lot of school work and I don't want to get behind. Have a good time.” And with that lie, I hurried from the house. When I stepped outside, I was surprised to see Shawn’s car in the driveway. He hopped out and walked toward me, reaching for my bag as he did.
“Morning Lark.”
“Hi. Thanks for the lift.”
He glanced behind me at my aunt’s house briefly as a look crossed over his face. “No problem at all.”
Poppy stuck her head out of the passenger side window. “Come on, let’s go. We have seven days together!”
Shawn held the back door open for me. “You’re going to wish me home after seven days.”
She turned serious at that. “Never.”
After homeroom I walked to English Lit and took my seat. Right before the bell rang, Bastian walked in. His eyes found mine and as soon as he did, his lips turned up slightly on the one side. Why didn’t he make an attempt to talk to me in school? I was curious enough about that to ask him, but he was never in one place long enough for me to approach him.
I dismissed his odd behavior and took a moment to appreciate the view. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt so his arms weren’t visible—a crime in my opinion—and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail, so nothing hindered the beauty of his face.
Throughout class my eyes lingered on his back. More specifically how the cotton of his shirt stretched tight over those magnificent muscles. At one point he turned his head, his blue/green eyes peering at me from over his shoulder. Busted!
After class Bastian left as soon as the bell sounded, and when I walked out into the hall, no surprise he wasn't there.
At lunchtime I sat with Poppy, our conversation centered around a party she wanted to attend. Parties really weren’t my thing, because I didn't like crowds nor did I enjoy shouting over the loud music and other voices just to be heard. But for Poppy, I'd go.
Bastian sat with the “populars” again and why that bothered me I couldn’t say. It did though, almost as much as the fact that Bastian could grin at me all day, but only talk to me via email. I wouldn't mind that so much, if not for the fact that he seemed to have no problem with talking in person to the likes of Kira.
Lunch had just started, but I wasn’t in the mood, so I stood. “I’m going to work on my painting. I'll catch you guys after school.”
“Okay, but Lark, you’re dressing up tonight for the party.”
“Ugh!” I was Poppy's life-sized Barbie. She had started this tradition when we were in middle school, around the same time I had adopted the color black as my signature color.
“‘Ugh’ all you want, but I’m getting my hands on you tonight and you're going to look amazing!”
“‘Amazing’ is stretching it a bit. I’ll see you later.”
“Amazing!” Poppy called after me.
Painting and sketching soothed me—I was always in a good mood when I left the art room. I made my way toward my locker when I heard my name being called in that deep voice. My knees went weak and my hands grew damp. Turning in his direction, I watched as he approached me in that easy stride of his.
“You weren't at lunch.”
My heart started to pound. He noticed. “Not today.”
He stopped just in front of me, and being that close to him was intoxicating. His chest dominated my view and the strongest urge to run my hands down that body nearly had me doing so. He reached for my hand, his smile turning a bit wicked. “We haven't officially met. I'm Bastian.”
His large hand completely enveloped mine and the heat that burned up my arm from the contact was delicious. “Lark.”