“I miss them. Poppy, I was right. Logan is my dad.” He had the paternity test fast-tracked and it was official, I was his daughter.
“He told you?”
“Yeah, it's a long story and one I'd really rather share in person, but he didn't know about me and when he learned of me, he moved heaven and earth to get to know me.”
I heard Poppy crying on the other end of the line. “I want you all to meet.”
“Yes, I would like to meet them. OhLark, I am so happy for you.”
“There's more.”
“More, what could be more than finding your dad?”
“Bastian and I think it's my dad behind the taunting of the Rosses. His family is the one behind the MacGowan franchise.”
“Holy shit.”
I laughed out loud. “Yeah, that was Bastian's reaction too. When Dominic learned of it from Bastian, he not-so-subtly hinted that he wanted an invite to Scotland to see the distillery.”
“Can I tell Mom and Dad and Caden?”
“Mom will be calling to make plans, and Dad will certainly be calling for scotch samples, so expect calls.”
“I will. I miss youPoppy.”
“I miss you, but it looks like I'll be seeing you soon.”
“I can't wait.”
Poppy wasn't wrong about her mom, and in fact she steamrollered me and went right to Logan, calling mere moments after I hung up with Poppy. A visit was planned for the upcoming weekend and I knew that was partly because the Wrights wanted to make sure we were okay, that Bastian and I weren't being conned or some such thing. This coming weekend was the swordfish festival, so we were all going to experience Harrington at its finest.
When the doorbell sounded. I made my way to the door and opened it to find Logan and Saffron on the front stoop.
“HeyLark.” Saffron said.
“Hope you don't mind the impromptu visit.” Logan added.
“Not at all. Please, come in.” I pulled the door open wider.
Their attentions moved to the walls in the living room. Bastian had surprised me by making frames for most of my works and one day, when I was off with Logan, he framed a bunch of them and hung them on the walls. I didn't think about Saffron's reaction though as they entered the room.
“We wrapped all of your pictures in bubble wrap and stacked them on the floor in the closet of the bedroom with the mural. I hope that was all right.”And what a mural; Logan had outdone himself with his depiction of life under the sea.
Saffron turned to me as Logan walked up and down the row of pictures. “Absolutely, it's fine but you're going to have to give us a minute.”
I had many of my older works, some of which I had shown Bastian that one day, but I had some new ones too. There was a sketch of the Fletcher twins sitting on a park bench in town square and, though they were identical, I noticed a few differences. There was the painting of the cove I had started that day with Callie and another was of a place Bastian had taken me. Never had I seen so beautiful a place. The jagged and wild rock cliffs butted up against the water and were in direct contrast to the lush green of the conifers and pines that surrounded those cliffs.
Logan stopped in front of the painting I had given Bastian and he pointed out a few things to Saffron. Finally they ended at the sketch of Bastian. I’dinsisted that sketch be placed over the fireplace because it was, after all, my very favorite. Logan turned to me, but his expression was not one I could place. “How would you feel about having your own showing?”
I had no doubt that I looked like a mental patient in that moment, because I was taken completely off guard by his question. My dad actually chuckled before he added.“Seriously, think about it. This…” he gestured to the works around the room, “woulddrive the art world mad.”
I was almost speechless, almost. “I would love a showing, but what I would love even more than my own showing would be to have a showing with you, and not because you're Logan MacGowan or David Cambre, but because you're my dad.” My mind caught up to my mouth and I realized what I was suggesting, that my works should been shown with arguably the greatest artist of our time which immediately had me back-pedaling. “I mean unless of course you don't think I'm ready.”
“I would be honored to have a showing with you.”