“Then you will be the first romance author we sign.”

“Serious? But you haven’t even seen my work.”

“I don’t need to. I know you. I trust you. Plus, you kind of need a job. And I really like working with you. Win-win.”

She laughs. “OK then. I’m all yours.”

I bring her in for a tight hug. “Yeah you are. All mine.”


On the drive to his mother’s, I alternate between feelings of happiness, nervousness, disbelief and arousal. Only hours before, I was licking his coffee spoon, stealing his candy bars and cursing his name for being the boss who stole Christmas. Now he’s themanwhogaveme the greatest gift. Love.

And it seems crazy to me that we did that complete one-eighty in such a short period of time. But it was always there, simmering under the surface, waiting for the moment we weren’t bound by contracts and family duties. Somehow, after this Christmas Eve filled with stress, we found a Christmas Day full of love and hope.

Well, it’d be full of love if we were traveling to see my family. But we’re going to see Lincoln’s. And while I’ve met his mother before—and she was actually quite lovely—I’m about to meet her for the first time as Lincoln’s significant other. And let’s not even mention his sister, I’m breaking out into a sweat just thinking about her.

Then of course I have a moment where I get so turned on by the man beside me that I squirm in my seat and wish for some friction to ease the gentle throbbing that exists between my legs. Sex with Lincoln was more wonderful than I expected. I didn’t have anything besides my own hand to compare it to, but I can’t imagine it ever would have been that way with anyone else. I’m so glad I waited for my one.

“I have a confession to make,” I blurt when we’re about halfway into the journey. Lincoln’s strong jaw tightens as he takes his eyes off the road for a moment to glance my way.

“A confession?”

I nod, struck by the beauty of his strong jawline and the way the light from passing cars plays across his features. Some may say this man is far too old for a twenty-two year old girl, but I think he’s just right for me. Strong, mature, with the perfect amount of gruffness. “I was angry at you for making me work twenty-four seven, so I used to suck on the spoon I used to stir your coffee and I also stole the candy bars from your secret office stash—I replaced those though.”

I bite my lip, waiting for his reaction and I’m surprised when the corner of his mouth twitches and he smiles. “I know,” he says.

“You knew?”

“Sure. I saw you making coffee with the spoon in your mouth a few times, humming away and shaking that sexy ass of yours while waiting for the coffee to brew. I thought it was adorable.”

“And you didn’t care that my spit was in your drink?”

“I wanted little more than to stick my tongue in your mouth and my fingers in your pussy every time I saw you. Do you think I’m going to balk at a spoon stirring my coffee after it’d been in that warm, wet mouth? Not at all. It made me fucking hard imaging the other things that mouth of yours could suck on.”

My breathing quickens and I’m fairly sure I let out a moan. He chuckles and reaches for my hand, bringing it to his lips. “And as for the candy bars,” he says, nibbling the tips of my fingers. “They were in thereforyou. I’m allergic to dairy, coconut, and shellfish.”

“There’s no shellfish in a snickers.”

He laughs. “No. But there was shellfish in the crab salad you got all indignant about me not eating a couple of weeks ago. You’re beautiful when you’re angry by the way. I especially liked the angry eating of that sugarplum you gave me.”

A laugh bubbles out of my chest. “Oh god, I forgot about my mini-tantrums. Why didn’t you just tell me you had allergies?”

“I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell you anything or you’d show me understanding and then I’d show you more of me and we’d end up fucking like rabbits and giving my sister exactly what she wanted.”

“The company.”

“That’s right. And as torturous as this past few months has been without being able to act on my feelings, I’m glad we waited. Christmas seems like the perfect time for everyone to get the gifts they deserve.”


“Is this where you grew up?” Emma asks as I slow the car along the circular drive that leads to my mother’s estate.

“I grew up in a boarding school in the city. But yes, I spent my free time out here.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“It’s lonely,” I say, remembering wanting nothing more than to be back at school with friends and some semblance of freedom during my schooling days.