Is it silly that at thirty-six I still feel the magic and wonder of waking up on Christmas morning? Like, somehow, Santa will have come down the chimney and filled my stocking, eaten the cookies, and drunk the milk.

Of course, I’ve been aware of the truth behind gift-giving since Mary Trunchberg ruined it all for me in the third grade. But besides that one wobbly year when I came to terms with things, I’ve always felt that childish excitement of waking up on December 25thand knowing it’s a special day.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve understood why Aunty Joan always insisted on hosting us at her house. Christmas just isn’t Christmas without family and children to keep that wonder alive and well. As we grew and my brothers got married and started having kids of their own, I’ve really appreciated spending holidays as one big dysfunctional family, just for that moment on Christmas morning when the kids yell, ‘Santa was here’ then tear into their gifts.

But this year, I’m filled with wonder of a different kind. Because when I open my eyes on Christmas morning, my body achingly sated from yet another night filled with love-making, I’m presented with something I never in my wildest dreams imagined—Nate, wearing a Santa hat andnothing elseas he kneels beside the bed on only one knee, aheart-shaped diamond ringpinched between two fingers.

“What is going on?” I gasp, my eyes wide as I drink him in.

The most delicious smile I’ve ever seen in my life spreads across his face. “Merry Christmas, gorgeous,” he says as he moves the ring from side to side so the diamond catches the light. “I was kinda hoping you’d grant me a Christmas miracle by doing me the honor of becoming my wife.”

“Kinda hoping?” Tears fill my eyes as I skooch to the side of the bed so I’m sitting and he’s looking up at me with honest love and devotion in his beautiful blues.

“Desperately wishing,” he says, taking my left hand in his. “I don’t have a huge amount to give you, Delaney. But I do have my heart. I have my loyalty, my love, my admiration, and my intentions. Before I met you that day in the coffee house, I was lost, so incredibly lost and searching. But then I looked into your eyes and everything in the world seemed right again. Bam. Just like that. I can’t see any way forward that doesn’t involve having you by my side as my partner, my lover, my wife. It would make me beyond happy if you’d agree to spend your life with me. Will you marry me, Delaney?”

“Yes,” I whisper, not even having to give it an extra moment of thought as my eyes fill with tears and Nate is sliding the ring on my finger before kissing my palm and gathering me in his arms. “I love you so much.”

“I love you more,” he says, holding himself over me and smiling brighter than I’ve ever seen. “You’ve made me the happiest man on the planet, gorgeous. And I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you the happiest woman in the universe. You are my heart and my soul, and I’m so fucking in love with you.”

He brings his mouth down on mine, our tongues tangling and sliding as we roll until he’s on his back and I’m straddled on top of him, taking him inside me as his magic fingers tease me exactly where he knows I like it. I moan and writhe, loving this deep and thorough connection we share, adoring the weight of the diamond on my finger, and admiring the way the light hits it as I rake my fingers over his chest as I come.What a wonderful Christmas morning indeed.

When we’re lying tangled up together, and I’m holding my hand up above us, just staring at this new piece of bling that’s adorning my ring finger, I feel so wonderfully complete I can barely stand it. “Did you have this with you the whole time?” I ask as I turn to meet his eyes and notice something flit across them, like a piece of information he’s not sure he should be telling me. “Oh, don’t tell me it was hidden inside that fleshlight. Because, eww.”

He chuckles as he winds his fingers between mine then brings my hand to his lips and plants a kiss right next to the ring. “That’s definitely not where it was hiding,” he starts as he plays with the pink colored diamond with his forefinger and thumb. “This was actually hiding in the bottom of your aunt’s bag. She told me that she’s been carrying it around for seventy-five years.”

“Really?” I had no idea.

Nate nods. “There was an English pilot she met during the final months of the war. Donald, his name was. He was on leave, and they fell in love, got engaged, and then he had to return to duty.”

“Oh, no. Did he die? That’s horrible. So close to the end.”

“He didn’t die in the war,” he says. “When the war finished, he had to return to England and take over work in his family’s company. Joan took over her father’s candy store when he damaged his back taking a sugar delivery. Circumstances just kept getting in their way. He and Joan kept in contact for many years, but their timing was always off, their lives continually moving in different directions until one day…it was just too late. Donald passed away from a sudden heart attack, and Joan never ended up walking down the aisle to him like they planned. She gave this to me yesterday, hoping that we’d use it in the way she never got to, and that for us, it’d be a symbol of the hope and devotion she and Donald shared despite the distance between them.”

My heart fills along with my eyes. “That’s so tragically beautiful,” I whisper, loving the ring even more now. “I never knew that about Aunty Joan, but everything makes so much more sense now. It wasn’t about insisting I get married and pop out kids. It was about making sure I didn’t miss my opportunity because I was too busy working to make a name for myself. I will treasure this always.”

“And I’ll treasure you,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the tip of my nose. “Want to see what’s in that sack beneath the tree?” He inclines his head toward it, and I sit up again and focus on it, almost forgetting it was even there.

“Do you already know?” I ask, wondering how much he and Aunty Joan have been conspiring together for my enjoyment.

“I don’t. But I’m certainly curious. She said she gave the same thing to everyone.”

“I hope it’s matching ugly Christmas sweaters. That would be hilarious to wear during the festivities today. There’s a big Santa party on the main deck for kids and a naughty Santa event for grownups. Our final day on the cruise is going to be a blast. Especially because I get to spend it with you, Nate. As an engaged woman no less.”

“We could be in a hole in the ground, and I’d be happy,” he says as he steps out of bed and picks up the sack from under the tree. “Seems too light to be sweaters.” He rests it in front of me, and I look inside to find a glittery red box with green ribbon tied around it. It says, ‘To Delaney & Nathaniel’ which makes me smile because she either wrote this last night, or this is just because she knew all along.

“It feels empty,” I say as I test its weight and give it a shake.

“Open it. Maybe she’s pranking us all.”

I grin, thinking that would actually be pretty funny. But when I pull the ribbon open and lift the lid, I find a very legal looking document with the heading: Gilchrist Family Trust.

“What on earth is this?” Reaching in, I unfold the papers, reading through the details. Seems Aunty Joan didn’t like the idea of waiting until she dies to give to the people she cares about most in this world. So, she’s set up a trust for each of us with a small fortune inside that will continue to give until long after she’s gone. It brings tears to my eyes, of gratefulness and of longing, because this reminds me that my favorite aunt won’t be with us forever. But mostly, it makes me feel very loved. My sweet aunt has thought of everything.

* * *

“I didn’t getto have children of my own,” Aunty Joan says as she makes a toast at dinner. “But my life has still been blessed with family, and so much joy. Having you all close, year after year has truly made me appreciate what a precious gift I’ve been given. That’s why I’ve given you all access to your trusts now. I’m ninety-five years old. So I’d like to spend the remaining years of my life seeing you allenjoylife. And regardless of the dramatics we went through yesterday, I love each and every one of you equally. So this Christmas, my give to you is your inheritance. So, no stress over mortgages or who gets what”—she looks at Tony for that one—“operating costs or business expansion”—that one is for me—“starting a new career”—that’s for Nate—"or working jobs you hate to make ends meet.” Those final words go to Tommy and my father. “Of course, I expect you to stay at my house every holiday the way we’ve always done. But I also expect that the weight of the world will be lifted off your shoulders, and your focus can be happiness instead of work or money. Believe me, in the end, it’s the happy times that matter most. So cling to them, relish in them, enjoy them, and have a lifetime of Christmases that are just as good, if not better, than the one we’ve had this year.”